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Atintono, S. A. (2015). The semantics and metaphorical extensions of temperature terms in Gurene. In Maria Koptjevskaja-Tamm The Linguistics of Temperature. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 73-106.

Temperature phenomenon are universal, and languages show diversity in the ways in which they express the experience of temperature

Adam, P. P & Haruna, A.I. (2015). Facts from Fiction, Myths from Reality, Widowhood Rites in an African Society: A Barbaric Tradition or a Consolidation of African Values?. Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities, 3, (4), 220 - 233. DOI:

Abstract In many African societies, when a man dies and leaves his wife (or wives) behind, culture demands that the widow (or widows) undergoes certain traditional mourning rituals before and after the burial of her deceased spouse, after which she can be cleansed of the ghost spirit of her late husband. Therefore, the main essence of the rites is to break the spiritual relationship between the deceased husband and the surviving wife (or wives). Unfortunately, most studies on widowhood rites in Africa generally bemoan the so-called dehumanising treatment of widows, ranging from denial of basic human rights, to intense public display of sorrow. In this paper, we demonstrate - through a vivid description of how the widowhood rites are performed among the Dagbamba of northern Ghana - that contrary to what has been termed as barbaric practices against women, the widowhood rites were not instituted to devalue womanhood in Africa.


Yalley, P. P., Osei-Poku, M. and Zievie, P.
4th conference on Sustainability Construction Materials and Technology (SCMT4). Las Vegas, USA August 7-11, 2016

Paper presented:
Predicting the Effect of Palm Bunch Fibres on the Strength Properties of Concrete

This research describes experimental studies on the use of palm bunch fibre as enhancement of concrete. The addition of palm bunch-fibres significantly improved many of the engineering properties of the concrete, notably toughness and tensile strength. The ability to resist cracking and spalling were also enhanced. However, the addition of fibres adversely affected the compressive strength. An increase in fibre weight fraction provided a consistent increase in ductility up to the optimum content (0.5%) with corresponding fibre aspect ratio of 125. The increase in toughness, could be attributed to the fact that, the fibre presence in the concrete contributed greatly in offering restrain to early twist in the concrete hence, much energy was needed to debond and stretch the fibres. Palm bunch fibres have been used to enhance concrete, and have proven to improve the toughness and the tensile stress of the concrete of which concrete with fibres as enhancement seems to address. However, the problem of long term durability has not yet been solved in this study. Keywords: palm bunch fibres; compression and tensile strengths; torsion; toughness








Faculty of Technical EducationJun 03, 20162015/2016

Abroampah, P. M., Boakye, E. and Yalley, P. P. (2015). The Impact of Sofokrom Quarry on River Anankwari. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 4, (11), 1057-1062. ISSN: ISSN (Online): 2319-7064

This study assessed the effect of quarry activity on ANANKWARI river in the shama Ahanta East of Western Region. Questionnaire administration and observations were used for primary data collection whilst rainfall and hydrological data were gathered to aid the study. Water quality analysis of samples from upstream and downstream were conducted. Data was statistically analyzed and with reference to WHO guidelines for drinking water, analysis was made. The study identified that the intense operation of quarry in the catchment since 2011 has resulted in the decrease of average annual discharge of 574796m3 in 2009 to 480252m3 in 2012. Physical and chemical parameters of all samples in the downstream showed appreciably statistically different values from respective upstream sampling locations. Most of the physico-chemical parameters such as pH, turbidity, color, temperature etc. of the downstream did not meet the WHO standards. This pollution attributed to quarry operation has affected downstream users causing skin diseases and chronic coughs for consuming the raw water. Public awareness with respect to the need to boil and filter the downstream water before drinking or bathing is significant. A hydro-meteorological monitoring network station must be established within the sub-catchment area to consistently determine the culminated effect. Keywords: Quarry activities, Anankwari river, water quality parameters, discharge, catchment


Faculty of Technical EducationJun 03, 20162015/2016

Manu I. Y., Asiedu E., Yalley P. P. and Denutsui K. S. (2015). Feasibility of using Cocoa Pod Husk Ash (CPHA) as a stabilizer in the production of Compressed Earth bricks. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 3, (6), 514-524. ISSN: ISSN 2091-2730

Indiscriminate disposal of cocoa pod husks has been a threat to the environment especially in cocoa growing communities thus the need to explore alternative ways of utilizing this waste product. This paper examined the suitability of CPHA as a stabilizer in the production of stabilized earth bricks. Laboratory experiments were conducted on compressed earth bricks to investigate the effects of the CPHA on their compressive strength, dry density, abrasion resistance and water absorption characteristics. The earth bricks were moulded with different percentages of Cocoa Pod Husk Ash consisting of 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25%. Using a mould dimension of 200mm x 100mm x 75mm, earth bricks were manually casted and cured for 28 days. Data results showed remarkable improvement in all the properties studied on the earth bricks but varied depending on the ash content. The study also revealed that cocoa pod husk ash can be used as a stabilizer in the production of earth bricks especially when the Cocoa pod husk ash content is 10% by weight as higher ash contents slightly decline the engineering properties. Keywords— Cocoa Pod Husk Ash (CPHA), Stabilization, Earth bricks, Water Absorption, Abrasion resistance, Compressive strength, Cocoa


Faculty of Technical EducationJun 03, 20162015/2016

Adogla, F., Yalley, P. P. and Arkoh, M. (2016). Improving Compressed Laterite Bricks using Powdered Eggshells. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) || || Pages || PP -65-70|| 2016 ||, 5, (4), 65-70. ISSN: (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN (p): 2319 – 1805

Eggshells are notable agricultural wastes indiscriminately disposed on the environment. Coupled with their foul smell they tend to create an unpleasant environment wherever they could be found. As a way of improving this situation, an alternative use for these products have found identified by using it to improve the engineering properties of compressed laterite bricks for masonry purposes. This paper reports the results of a study evaluating the use of powdered eggshells on the compressive strength and durability characteristics of compressed laterite bricks. Laterite bricks were produced with varying quantities of eggshells which comprised of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% by weight of laterite. Compressed laterite bricks showed improvements in all the tests conducted after the inclusion of the powdered eggshells. Powdered eggshells were deemed appropriate for improving the general characteristics for compressed bricks although the optimum quantity was attained at 30%. Keywords – Compressed bricks, laterite, powdered eggshells, soil improvement.


Faculty of Technical EducationJun 03, 20162015/2016

Zievie, P. and Yalley, P. P. (2016). Evaluation of the Strength Properties of Soil Bricks Produced with Processed African Locust Bean Waste water as Stabiliser. American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), 5, (1), 21-33. ISSN: e-ISSN: 2320-0847 p-ISSN : 2320-0936

A newly proposed concept of soil bricks as masonry units for low-cost environmentally friendly construction is proposed using agro-based waste water obtained from the processing of the African locust bean into local food condiments. Laboratory test system was designed to perform strength and durability test on four types of soil brick mixed with African locust bean waste water (ALBWW) as replacement of portable water and also as soil stabiliser for bricks production. Tests were conducted on strength and durability properties of the specimens. There was an increase of 66% over unstabilised specimens when the soil was fully mixed with ALBWW. The density of the bricks increased from 2120kg/m3 for the soil bricks without ALBWW to 2167kg/m3 when the soil was mixed with ALBWW. The resistance to wear for bricks increased steadily from 6.45cm2/g for bricks without ALBWW as stabilisation to 9.45cm2/g for bricks with ALBWW. The presence of ALBWW reduced the amount of water absorbed by the bricks. The study concluded that ALBWW which is an environmental nuisance can be used to replace portable water and also as stabiliser for masonry units in construction. This then implies that effective utilization of ALBWW as soil stabiliser would reduce the cost of relative durable houses for the rural and peri-urban areas in Northern part of Ghana where locust beans are prevalent. Keywords: abrasion resistance, compressive strength locust bean, water absorption,


Faculty of Technical EducationJun 03, 20162015/2016

Akpanglo-Nartey, R., Kpodo, P. & Bisilki, A. (2016). CONSONANT ONSET AND TONE PATTERNS IN GA. Multidisciplinary International Journal, 2, (1), 1-16. DOI: mij/89544. ISSN: e-ISSN: 2454-924X/ p-ISSN:2454-18103

A recent acoustic study of Ga tones indicates that Ga uses seven tone patterns to distinguish meaning in words and syllables. These tone patterns include High, Low, High High, High Low, Low Low, High High Low, High High High. This study investigates how different onsets affect the different tone patterns in Ga. In this research, we investigate how syllable onset of different voicing, place of articulation and manner of articulation affect the tone patterns of the Ga syllable. Data is collected from two native speakers who read sentences in a frame: “say… only”. F0 and duration of the syllables were analyzed using PRAAT. The results confirm earlier results from other studies that syllables with voiceless onset are likely to be longer and have a higher F0 than syllables with voiced onsets. In terms of places of articulation for the nasals, the tendency is that the palatal nasals have the lowest pitch contour for the L tone pattern followed by the alveolar and then the bilabial. For the H tone pattern, the alveolar has the highest pitch contour followed by the palatal and then the bilabial. Thus the paper suggests that any description of the tone patterns of language should include an investigation of the different onsets that a syllable can have. The study gives precise description of the tones of Ga and adds to the acoustic database of Ga language.


Kpodo, P., (2015). Phonetics and Phonology: The Basics. Tema, Ghana: Wyse Print Supplies Ltd. . ISBN: 978-9988-2-2704-3

Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology forms the basis for the study of language and Linguistics. Nevertheless, the study of Phonetics and Phonology is one of the courses that the students of language and Linguistics dread most. This book attempts to demystify the course thereby making it easy for the students to understand. This book introduces students to the fundamentals of linguistic phonetics and phonology. The book is divided into two parts. While the first part focuses on phonetics, the second part focuses on the fundamental principles of Phonology. The reader of this book will be introduced to the varying approaches in studying speech sounds. The book, however, only deals with articulatory phonetics (how sounds are produced). Phonetic labels such as place of articulation, manner of articulation, state of the glottis and phonation types used in describing speech sounds are painstakingly explained. The various speech sounds that are common to English and Ghanaian languages are discussed. The book further discusses some phonological concepts such as phonems, allophones, the syllable and phonlogical processes. It is my hope that every careful reader of this book should not have any difficulty comprehending what phonetics and phonology are all about.


Kofi Bentum Wilson & Mrs Bliss Acheampong (2015). Language Students' Attitude toward the Use of Computer Technology: Implications for Communication and Practice. International Journal of Innovations in Applied Sciences & Engineering, 1, 76-87. ISSN: e-ISSN: 2454-9258; p-ISSN: 2454-809X

The study investigated language students' attitude with a focus on how they use computer technology for communication in the education environment. The study used self-answering questionnaires with closed-ended items to collect empirical data from a group of language students. A total of 200 questionnaires were distributed using a stratified sampling to select respondents. The data collected were analysed using simple means and frequencies. The main findings are: 1. Most students have some access to the technology. 2. Most students enter the university with their technology skills or acquire them through the first semester compulsory ICT course, and not their main programme of study. Implications and suggestions for student training were provided. The authors recommended the following: Increased access time to promote improved utilisation of resources; deliberate effort to include technology training skills and assessment of that in courses studied by pre-service English language teachers. From the findings, English language-teacher education programmes need to provide students with further training programs in their specific area aside the mandatory general ICT course to help enhance their skills in the use of computers as an instructional tool for language-teaching and learning. Keywords: Language students, attitude, computer technology, communication practice


Faculty of Science EducationJun 03, 20162015/2016
