Staff Directory

matie's picture
Michael Atie
madomina's picture
Michael Adomina
Department of Music Education
magyensare's picture
Michael Asiedu Gyensare
Muniru's picture
mohammed sa-ad muniru
Department of Publishing and Web Development
measante's picture
Moro Asante Esidu
ndoku's picture
Nai Doku
University Clinic
oqessel's picture
oqessel oqessel
pkpodo's picture
Pascal Kpodo
pnukpezah's picture
Patience Nukpezah
pboateng's picture
pboateng pboateng
pakayuure's picture
Peter Akayuure
Department of Mathematics Education
ppkyalley's picture
ppkyalley ppkyalley
pasiedu's picture
Prince Asiedu
Planning Unit
phforson's picture
Prince Forson Hamah
radoku's picture
rskagbo's picture
Reginald Agbo Sitsofe Kwaku
Department of Publishing and Web Development
rokai's picture
Reynolds Okai
rkotei's picture
Richard Kotei
rboateng's picture
Rita Boateng
briverson's picture
Riverson Brew Junoir
