Research and Publications
- 1. Abotsi, A. K. (2016). Power Outages and Production Efficiency of Firms in Africa. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 6(1), 98-104.
- 2. Boontem, K. and Abotsi, A. K. (2016). Firm Entry Deterrence Behaviour in the Cement Industry in Cambodia. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 6(5): 314-326
- 3. Abotsi, A. K. (2016). Theory of Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption. International Journal of Asian Social Science, 6(6): 359-378
- 4. Abotsi, A. K. and Iyavarakul, T. (2015).Tolerable Level of Corruption for Foreign Direct Investment in Africa. Contemporary Economics 9 (3), 249-270
- 5. Abotsi, A. K. (2015). Foreign Ownership of Firms and Corruption in Africa. International Journal of
- Economics and Financial Issues 5 (3), 647-655