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Tamanja, E. M. J. (2016). Patterns in child migration in Ghana. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, (14), 125 - 136. http://www.iiste.org/journals. ISSN: ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)


Tamanja, E. M. J. (2016). Teacher professional development through sandwich programmes and absenteeism in basic schools in Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 7, (18), 92 - 108. http://www.iiste.org/journals. ISSN: SSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)


Tamanja, E. M. J. (2016). Child migration decision making in Ghana: The actors and processes. Ghana Journal of Geography, 8, (2), 84 - 107. http://www.ajol.info/index.php/gjg/issue/view.


Tamanja, E. M. J. (2016). Child migration and academic performance: The case of basic education in Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 7, (15), 109-120. http://www.iiste.org/journals. ISSN: ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)


Tamanja, E. M. J., (2016). Child migration and academic performance: The case of basic education in Ghana. Childhood, children and the future: African and European perspectives in the 21st century. European University of Flensburg, Germany: . http://https://www.uni-flensburg.de/psychologie/workshop-2016/3-presentations/)








Tamanja, E. M. J.
Multilocality in the Global South and North: Factors, features and policy implications. TU Dortmund University 18 - 19 September, 2014

Paper presented:
Temporary migration and multilocational living arrangements in Ghana: The decisive background factors








Tamanja, E. M. J., (2014). Child migration and educational progression in the Savannah regions of Ghana: Implications for planning and development. Dissertation, Dortmund, http://hdl.handle.net/2003/33608 or https://eldorado.tu-dortmund.de/handle/2003/33608. ISBN:


Ananga, E. D., Tamanja, E. M. J. and Amos, P., (2015). Effects of teachers’ participation in distance education on Basic Education: A case study of Central Region in Ghana. Report on a Commissioned project by Plan Ghana (Research monograph)., . ISBN:


Ananga, E. D., Tamanja, E. M. J. and Amos, P., (2015). Effects of teachers’ participation in distance education on Basic Education: A case study of Central Region in Ghana. Report on a Commissioned project by Plan Ghana (Research monograph)., . ISBN:


Tamanja, E. M. J. (2016). Child migration and academic performance: The case of basic education in Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 7, (15), 109-120. http://www.iiste.org. ISSN: ISSN (Paper)2222-1735 ISSN (Online)2222-288X


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