Alhassan, M., Sampson, G.O. & Quashie, A.K.K. (2015). Microwave Glycation of Bambara Protein-Rice Starch Composites. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 3,
Yellavila, S.B., Agbenorhevi, J.K., Asibuo, J.Y. & Sampson, G.O. (2015). Proximate Composition, Minerals content and Functional Properties of Five Lima Bean Accessions.. Journal of Food Security, 3,
Sampson, G. O. & Assuah, P (2016). Consumer Acceptability of Ghanaian Unpolished Rice Biscuits. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 3,
Sampson, G. O., Tetteh, A. Y. & Oldham, J. H. (2015). Beta-glucan profile in maize genotypes: effect of isolation method.. Journal of Global Biosciences, 4,
Sampson, G. O., Tetteh, A. Y. & Oldham, J. H. (2015). Rheological Behaviour of Maize β- Glucan and its Application as a Fat Replacer in Baked Goods. International Journal of Advanced Research, 3,