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Gyaase, P. O, Gyamfi, S. A. & Kuranchie, A. (2019). Gauging the e-readiness for the integration of information and communication technology into pre-tertiary education in Ghana: An assessment of teachers' Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK). International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education, 15,
Gyaase, P. O., Gyamfi, S. A., Kuranchie, A. & Koomson, F. S. (2020). The Integration of Information and Communication Technology in Pre-University Education in Ghana: A Principal Component Analysis.. In L. Tomei & D. Carbonara Handbook of Research on Diverse Teaching Strategies for the Technology-Rich Classroom.. Hershey, PA.: IGI Global.
Wiafe, I., Koranteng, F. N., Owusu, E., Ekpezu, A. O, & Gyamfi S, A. (2020). Persuasive social features that promote knowledge sharing among tertiary students on social networking sites: An empirical study.. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, ,
Adu Gyamfi, S., Ohemeng Gyaase, P. & Ansong-Gyimah, K. (2016). Designing Blended Learning Environment for Pre-Service Teachers: The Moderating Role of Formative Experiment. In L. Lui & D. C. Gibson Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2016. Waynesville, NC., USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Adu Gyamfi, S., Ohemeng Gyaase, P. & Ansong-Gyimah, K.
Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2016. Savanna, Georgia, USA March 21, 2016 - March 25, 2016
Paper presented:
Designing Blended Learning Environment for Pre-service Teachers: The Moderating Role of Formative Experiment.