Dr. Adjei's Profile

Research and Publications


  1. Adjei, S. B. (2012). Accounting for spousal abuse in Ghana. (Master’s Thesis), Department of Psychology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim. Available at: http://hdl.handle.net/11250/270835
  2. Adjei, S. B. (2013). Discourse analysis: Examining language use in context. The Qualitative Report, 18 (25), 1-10. http://www.nova.edu/ssss/QR/QR18/adjei50.pdf
  3. Adjei, S. B. (2015). Assessing Women Empowerment in Africa: A Critical Review of the Challenges of the Gender Empowerment Measure of the UNDP. Psychology and Developing Societies 27(1) 58-80. DOI: 10.1177/0971333614564740
  4. Adjei, S. B. (2015). Partner dependency and intimate partner abuse: A sociocultural grounding of spousal abuse in Ghana. Psychological Studies. 60(4), 422-427. Doi: 10.1007/s12646-015-0336-4
  5. Adjei, S. B. (2016). Masculinity and spousal violence: Discursive accounts of husbands who abuse their wives in Ghana. Journal of Family Violence, 31(4), 411-422. Doi: 10. 1007/s10896-015-9781-z.
  6. Adjei, S. B. (2016). Exploring the psychosocial, cultural and structural accounts of spousal abuse in Ghana. (Ph.D. thesis). Department of Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark.
  7. Adjei, S. B. (2017). Entrapment of victims of spousal abuse in Ghana: A discursive analysis of family identity and agency of battered women. Journal of Interpersonal violence,32 (5), 730-754. Doi:10.1177/0886260515586375
  8. Adjei, S. B. (2017). Sociocultural groundings of battered women’s entrapment in abusive marital relationship in Ghana. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma. Doi: 10.1080/10926771.2017.1284171
  9. Adjei, S. B. (2018). “Correcting an erring wife is normal”: Moral discourses of spousal violence in Ghana. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(12), 1871-1892. Doi:10.1177/0886260515619751.
  10. Adjei, S. B. & Mpiani, A. (2018). Bride price, cultural and gender identity, and husband-to-wife abuse in Ghana. Victims & Offenders, 13(7), 921-937. Doi: 10.1080/15564886.2018.1506372
  11. Adjei, S. B. (2018). The social intentionality of battered women’s agency in Ghana. Psychology and Developing Society, 30(1), 1-18. Doi: 10.1177/0971333617747320
  12. Adjei, S. B. (2019). Conceptualising personhood, agency, and morality for African psychology. Theory & Psychology, 29(4) 484–505. DOI: 10.1177/0959354319857473.
  13. Adjei, S. B. (2019). Conceptualizing discursive analysis as a culturally contextualized activity. The Qualitative Report, 24(9), 2233-2243. Retrieved from https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol24/iss9/9
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Adjei, S. B. (2019). Conceptualising personhood, agency, and morality for African psychology. Theory & Psychology, 29, (4), 484–505. DOI: 10.1177/0959354319857473. http://https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/0959354319857473. ISSN: 0959-3543


Adjei, S. B. (2019). Conceptualizing discursive analysis as a culturally contextualized activity. The Qualitative Report, 24, (9), 2233-2243. http://https://nsuworks.nova.edu/tqr/vol24/iss9/9/. ISSN: 1052-0147


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