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Ofosu Ankrah, J. & Amoako-Gyampah, A. K. (2021). Prophetism in the wake of a pandemic: charismatic Christianity, conspiracy theories, and the Coronavirus outbreak in Africa.. Research in Globalization, 3, 1 - 10. DOI: http://

The outbreak of COVID-19 subjected prophets and the prophetic ministry to ridicule and taunts by both disenchanted Christians and non-believers alike. This study examines responses to these challenges posed by COVID-19 to prophets and the prophetic movement in Africa. The study shows that Charismatic Christianity on the continent may serve as useful resource for public education amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, but also, a source of public health misinformation and thus, create doubts, uncertainties and fear. The paper argues that, the Covid-19 pandemic has both prospects and challenges for prophecies, as well as greater implications for Char- ismatic Christianity in Africa


Amoako-Gyampah, A. K. (2022). Sanitary Inspection, Mosquito Control and Domestic Hygiene in the Gold Coast [Ghana] from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century.. Social History of Medicine, 35, (1), 278-301. DOI: 10.1093/shm/hkab050.

Mosquito control was the focus of many public health interventions in the Gold Coast because, during the colonial period, malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases remained a leading cause of European and African morbidity and mortality. Tagging along with theories of racial ecology that portrayed Africans and their surroundings as the nidus of infection, and therefore, perceiving African homes as a source of danger, colonial officials targeted the fight against mosquito at African households and surroundings. Sanitary inspectors were deployed to African households to search, prosecute and fine householders whose environment harboured larvae. By examining the connection between household sanitary inspection, mosquito control and domestic hygiene, this article demonstrates how sanitary inspection was not limited to finding larvae. Instead, it became a tool for checking general cleanliness in African households, and therefore, provided the colonial administration, the means to regulate, and manipulate African habits and practices in the domestic sphere.


Amoako-Gyampah, A. K. (2022). The Public Health Question and Mortuary Politics in Colonial Ghana.. Social History, 47, (3), 290 - 314. DOI: 10.1080/03071022.2022.2077513. http://

British colonial rule in Ghana profoundly affected the interment of corpses. The practice of home burials was widespread in nineteenth-century Ghana. Guided by prevailing Euro-Western discourses on sanitation and public health, colonial officials banned home interment and introduced cemeteries. This article examines the imposition of cemetery burials in colonial Ghana, the responses of the local population, its impact on indigenous burial practices, and its ramifications beyond the public health imperative. I argue that, despite initial opposition, the colonial administration succeeded in imposing cemeteries and this reoriented the people’s beliefs and practices regarding burial rituals, with spiritual and pragmatic implications for health, identity and the use of space; it also reoriented the people’s perceptions of the relationship between the living and the dead. The widespread acceptance of cemeteries was accompanied by a penchant by chiefs and other notables to create private cemeteries exclusively for their families. This threatened the spatial planning policies of the colonial administration, especially in urban areas, forcing them to strictly regulate the creation of cemeteries, limiting burials to public cemeteries, and closing already demarcated ones. Chiefs exploited cemeteries to flex power by imposing customary fees and sanctions, and by forcing their opponents to exhume their buried relatives.


Amedeker, M. K. (2022). Simple pendulum experiment: Angular approximation revisited. European Journal of Education and Pedagogy, 3, (3), 33 - 35. DOI: 10.24018/ejedu.2022.3.3.248. ISSN: 2726-4534

The acceleration of free fall should be realised by students as dependent on one’s location rather than as a constant in all locations. Thus, there is no one way of determining g in the laboratory. For ease of science teaching it is important to let students know that one may not need to use small angular displacement of the pendulum bob in order to obtain g to an accuracy of three significant figures, comparable to, for example, the universally acceptable value of g = 9.81 metre per second squared in London. A simple mathematical derivation enabled the determination of g = 9.93 metre per second squared, which was 1.2 % higher than the universally accepted value. Keywords: Angular Displacement, Free Fall, Gravity, Pendulum, Period


Faculty of Science EducationJul 26, 20222022/2023

Sam, A., (2021). Educational reconstruction of aspects of Coordination Chemistry in higher education. (1) Accra: Emmpong Press. http:// ISBN: 978-9988-3-2419-3

The study was designed to investigate students’ conceptions of some aspects of coordination chemistry namely nomenclature and geometry, isomerism, bonding and colours of complexes. In order to change students’ conceptions, their ideas were systematically related to scientific concepts, and the alternative conceptions that arose at each step, clarified with respect to students’ own naive conceptions as a starting point. This step-wise relation of scientific concepts alongside students’ own conceptions was re-ordered (reconstructed) to attain a content structure adapted to the students’ previous knowledge. Such an approach was used in this study as a guide for teaching and learning through a case study within the MER approach. The interpretive-qualitative methodology was used in this study. The participants in the study were third-year chemistry students in UEW, who took the coordination chemistry course in the second semesters of the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 academic years. Forty-four (44) students, comprising thirty-eight males and six females were selected for the study. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the participants for the study. Students’ conceptions on naming of complexes and geometrical complexes, isomerism, bonding in complexes and colours were sampled in a class of students studying coordination chemistry and put in 5 groups of 3 to 5 students each over eleven (11) week period. The main instruments used were test-items, scientists’ (document analysis) perspectives on coordination chemistry, pen and paper tasks, and students’ drawings. All the data were gathered with audio/video equipment, transcribed and investigated by qualitative content analysis. The MAXQDA (version 11) for windows was used to analyse the data. The overall findings among others indicated that, the students had some difficulties in transforming between 2D and 3D visualisations. Based on the intervention approaches (SWH and MMS) adopted, the students correctly conceptualised the nomenclature/geometry, isomerism, bonding and colour topics associated with coordination chemistry. Also, the participants could discern the re-arrangement of objects through rotations and transformations of 3D figures into 2D structures on paper and vice versa. Among other issues, it was recommended that the coordination chemistry content at UEW, should be well connected in order to give the students a broader basis for conceptual change through heuristics and modelling skills.


Faculty of Science EducationJul 21, 20222022/2023

Twumasi, A. K., Hanson, R., Sam, A., Quayson, C., & Nartey, E. (2021). Teacher trainees’ alternative conceptions about intermolecular forces. International Journal of Innovative Science and Technology, 6, (12), 18-23. ISSN: 2456-2165

The study assessed the alternative conceptions that first-year teacher trainees have about intermolecular forces. Descriptive research design was adopted to examine the current situation as it exist. The sample involved 82 first-year chemistry major teacher trainees in the University of Education, Winneba. Purposively sampling technique was used to select students for the study. This is because most of them performed poorly in a pre-assessment test organised for them. Test was the main instrument for data collection. Simple percentages was used to analyse the data. The results indicated that 26% and 37% of the teacher trainees had alternative conceptions on Ion –dipole interaction and London dispersion forces, respectively. Also, more than 50% of the teacher trainees demonstrated alternative conceptions on hydrogen bonding. Some alternative conceptions identified in this study included: interactions between oppositely charged species give ionic bonds, London dispersion force occurs within a single molecule rather than between molecules, Covalent –ionic interaction is the major intermolecular force that exists in different I2 molecules, and the perception that any molecule which contains ‘O’ and ‘H’ forms hydrogen bonding irrespective of their position in the molecule (especially with organic structures used in the study). Another was that Hydrogen bonding only exists between ‘O’ and ‘H’ but not between N-H and F-H. It is recommended that science educators should develop appropriate interventions to improve students learning in intermolecular forces. Keywords:- Intermolecular Forces, Alternative Conceptions, Hydrogen Bonding, London Dispersion Forces.


Faculty of Science EducationJul 21, 20222022/2023

Sam, A. & Duncan, B (2022). Assessment of human specimen heavy metals of some selected e-waste miners in Ghana. Elixir Pollution, 162, 55979-55983.

The purpose of this study was to assess the heavy metals in blood and urine samples of some selected electronic miners (e-miners) in Accra-Ghana. An assessment of heavy metal concentrations in exposed workers is essential in order to monitor and reveal the impact of these metals on human health. Fifty (50) samples of human blood and urine were taken to the laboratory and stored at 4°C until digestion and analysis processes. The results obtained showed that, generally, respondents had more amounts of Cu in their urine (Mean = 0.1844, SD = 0.1245), Cr (Mean = 3.373, SD = 0.8229) in their blood. The study concluded that there is the need for immediate intervention by government and stakeholders for the sake of the community and environment at large. Based on the findings it was recommended immediate government intervention in terms of controlling and regulating the activities of the metal scrap miners with regards to both means of collection and disposal/burning. Further, NGOs, corporate organisation and individuals with the necessary resources can provide capacity training for the elderly involved with such trades. Finally, the capacity of the metal scrap recycling plant has to be enlarged or more of such plants should be built by the government.


Faculty of Science EducationJul 21, 20222022/2023

1. Adjei, F., Hanson, R., Sam, A., & Sedegah, S. (2022). The use of collaborative approaches on students’ performance in redox reactions. Science Educational International, 33, (2), 163-170. DOI: http://htttps://

This study investigated the use of collaborative instructional approaches on form two science students’ performance in redox reactions. The sample for this study consisted of 106 science students from Winneba Senior High School in Ghana. The sample was selected from two intact classes in the school. After a pre-test organized for both classes, the class with the lower average score was assigned as the experimental group and the other class assigned the control group. Interviews, questionnaires, and tests were used as the main instruments to collect data for the study. The reliability of the questionnaire, pre-test, and post-test items which were determined using Cronbach alpha ranged from 0.76 to 0.80. A collaborative learning text-oriented instruction was applied in teaching the experimental group whereas conventional approach was used in teaching the control group. It was also found that a number of the students who took part in the study had wrong notions about redox reactions. The findings showed that there was a significant difference in performance between the experimental and control groups. The experimental group performed better in the post-test than the control group. It is recommended that chemistry teachers in Ghana should employ the collaborative learning approach in teaching chemistry to enhance the students’ learning. KEY WORDS: Collaborative instructional approaches; collaborative learning approach; redox reactions; text-oriented instruction


Faculty of Science EducationJul 21, 20222022/2023

Samlafo, B.V, Tordzro, G.K, Ankudze, B, Mahama, A (2022). Assessment of Seasonal Variations in Water Quality of River Tordzie, Ghana. Resources and Environment, 12, (2), 59-65. DOI: 10.5923/

River Tordzie is one of the least studied rivers for its water quality and, hence was analysed for seasonal variations in water quality using nineteen physicochemical and metal ion parameters. Water samples were collected from seven sta-tions in triplicates along the banks of the river during the wet and the dry seasons. The water quality index (WQI) was used to estimate water quality, while the student's t-test (two-tailed) assuming equal variance was used to establish any statistically significant difference between the water quality for the dry and wet seasons. Among the physicochemical and metal ions parameters analysed, except for three parameters (SO42-, NO3- and COD) representing 15.79% which did not show statistically significant differences between the wet and dry seasons, statistically significant differences were ob-served among the rest of the 16 parameters representing 84.21%. Eight parameters (Alkalinity, Total hardness (TH), pH, PO43-, TDS, EC, BOD, and DO) showed the highest peak during the dry season representing 42%, while, the other param-eters (colour, turbidity, SO42-, nitrate, COD, TSS, Cl-, and NH4-H) and all the metal ions showed the highest peak during the wet season representing 68%. The evaluated water quality indices for the two seasons were 718.37 and 612.06 for the dry and wet seasons respectively, putting the water quality in the two seasons into the unfit for drinking water category. As such, proper chemical treatment should be given to the water from River Tordzie before those living along the banks of the river use it for their domestic activities. Keywords River Tordzie, wet season, dry season, water quality index, variation, physicochemical parameters.


Faculty of Science EducationJul 16, 20222022/2023

Nthontho, M. A., & Addai-Mununkum, R (2021). Towards religious literacy in South African schools: Is the Life Orientation curriculum potent enough?. Journal of Beliefs & Values, 42, (4), 1-15. DOI:

Owing to the mixed-bag effects of religion on society, and particularly South Africa’s history with religion as embedded in the oppression of and liberation from apartheid, a recent curricular review has seen the introduction of teaching about religion in the Life Orientation (LO) curriculum. From our standpoint as academics in Religion Education, we question whether the current curricular arrangement is potent enough to carry the mandate of the National Policy on Religion and Education (hereafter referred to as the religion policy) of promoting religious literacy. To answer this question, we subjected the LO curriculum to content analysis, assessing the underlying content and pedagogical assumptions within the frame of scholarship in religious literacy. While doing so, we make critical reference to the religion policy with the aim of reflecting on government’s intentions with RE in schools.


Faculty of Educational StudiesJul 15, 20222022/2023
