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Esia-Donkoh, K., Addai-Mununkum, R., Appianing, J., & Ofosu-Dwamena, E., (2021). Fundamentals of effective teaching: An introductory guide for 21st century educators. Accra: Sprint Publication. . ISBN: 978-9988-3-1779-9

At the turn of the 21st Century, teaching is transitioning from its old-time status as a vocation into a dignified rewarding career path. Thus, individuals wanting to become teachers ought to be equipped with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will enhance their professionalism. “Fundamentals of effective teaching” offers this content gap that has long be sought after by novice and experienced teachers alike. It is the product of meticulous writing by experienced professionals who seek to offer the academy a birds-eye view of teaching. Academic knowledge that is transmitted through this book is mediated by the authors’ experiences garnered through years of classroom practice. The content has been carefully chosen to offer a blend of antique and emerging scholarship in pedagogy, a potpourri of resources that every teacher needs. The first chapter, the concept of teaching, discusses some misconceptions about the teaching profession and provides a conceptual understanding of what teaching is all about. Chapter two traces the evolution of the teaching profession in Ghana, and highlights emerging changes and future projections. The third and fourth chapters focus on methods, techniques and strategies of teaching. Chapter five builds on the knowledge in the two preceding chapters to introduce integrated pedagogies. Chapter six focuses on play-based learning, an emerging pedagogy that is valuable for teaching the young and old. In Chapter seven, technical skills of teaching are discussed while in the final chapter, the newly introduced National Teachers’ Standards, the minimum set of standards expected of every teacher in Ghana, is discussed. We welcome teachers and would-be teachers to read, practice, discuss and critique this book. We do not intend it to be a manual for teaching. Rather, we wish that it will ignite passion and offer the needed guidance that will transition a novice into becoming an effective 21st Century teacher.


Faculty of Educational StudiesAug 03, 20212021/2022

Esia-Donkoh, K., Bentil, J., & Nyatsikor, M. (2020). Variances in learning styles of full-time undergraduate students based on Demographic Variables. International Journal of Education, Learning and Development, 8, (2), 50-70. ISSN: 2054-6297 (Print); 2054-6300 (Online)

The study, which was based on the VAK Learning Style Model, examined the learning style preferences and variances in the learning style of full-time undergraduate students in the Department of Basic Education, University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Ghana. Using the simple random sampling technique, 621 students were involved in the study. With the use of a questionnaire, quantitative data were obtained and analysed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The study revealed that the students made use of all the three learning styles even though they dominantly preferred and used visual learning style as compared to auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. At a significance of 0.01, the study found statistically significant differences in the learning style preferences of male and female full-time undergraduate students. There were also no statistically significant differences in the learning style preferences of the students based on age, level of study and residential status. Among the recommendations is that lecturers in the Department should adopt a variety of appropriate instructional practices and strategies that may optimise the diverse learning style preferences of the students. Keywords: learning style preferences, sex, age, level of study, residential status


Faculty of Educational StudiesAug 03, 20212021/2022

Nyatsikor, M. K., Esia-Donkoh, K., Abroampa, W. K. (2020). The efficacy of the bioecological model of human development in predicting primary pupils’ academic achievement in Ghana and its curriculum implications. International Journal of Elementary Education, 8, (2), 20-29. DOI:

The study examined the efficacy of Bioecological Model of Human Development to predict Ghanaian Primary School pupils’ academic achievement in a National Education Assessment test in English Language and Mathematics. A total of 19458 primary 3 and 17447 primary 6 pupils from 548 schools were involved in the study. Participating schools were selected using stratified random sampling. Using a hierarchical multiple regression with a significance criterion of <0.001, pupils’ academic achievement was found to be significantly influenced by their personal characteristics, as well as the micro and macro environments they interacted in. Consistent with the theoretical model, pupils’ microsystems contributed most to their levels of academic achievement. Moreover, the impact of pupils’ personal characteristics on their academic achievement was moderated by the types of macro and macro systems they operated in. The outcome of the study validates the Model’s proposition that none of the variables operates in isolation but are mutually dependent in determining the levels of pupils’ academic achievement in a given context. It is therefore suggested curriculum developers and education policy formulators to be guided by the Model in attempts to initiate interventions to address the problem of low academic achievement among primary school pupils in Ghana. Keywords: Bioecological Model, Academic Achievement, Curriculum


Faculty of Educational StudiesAug 03, 20212021/2022

Nyatsikor, M. K., Abroampa, W. K., Esia-Donkoh, K. (2020). The impact of school locale on pupils’ competencies in selected subjects: Does it matter more for specific regions in Ghana?. Global Journal of Transformative Education, 2, (1), 72-85. DOI:

The study examined the impact of rural and urban schools on pupils’ competencies in English Language and Mathematics tests. The sample comprised 16,481 primary 3 and 14,495 primary 6 pupils from 448 and 426 schools respectively. The schools were selected using stratified random sampling technique and the data analysed using multilevel modelling technique. The study found statistically significant differences in achievement between rural and urban school pupils at both the national and regional levels. Compared with urban school children, rural school children on the average score 2 and 4 marks less in primary 3 and 6 English Language tests respectively. Similarly, rural school children on the average earned 1 mark less in primary 3 and 6 Mathematics tests. Rural school children in the Eastern Region were most disadvantaged by scoring 6 and 8 marks less in the primary 3 and 6 English Language tests respectively when compared with their urban peers. The only exception was the Northern Region where the average achievements of rural school children were higher than their urban peers. The findings suggest that it significantly mattered which part of the country a child attends school. This runs counter to the nation’s educational policies and the realisation of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goal 4. Hence, to provide quality and inclusive education for all pupils, resources for schools and communities should be equitably distributed and effectively utilised. Keywords: School locality, Socioeconomic, Competency, Regions


Faculty of Educational StudiesAug 03, 20212021/2022

Mensah, R. E. A., Esia-Donkoh, K., & Quansah, D. K. (2020). Instructional supervision as perceived by teachers in public basic schools in Pokuase Education Circuit in the Ga-North Municipality, Ghana. European Journal of Education Studies, 7, (6), 196-219. DOI:

This study investigated the perception of teachers on instructional supervision in public basic schools in the Pokuase Education Circuit in the Ga-North Municipality of the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. The study, which was underpinned by the pragmatist philosophical viewpoint, adopted the convergent mixed method approach. With simple random and convenience sampling techniques, 142 participants and 10 participants were obtained for the quantitative and qualitative phases of this study respectively. All categories of items in the questionnaire had Cronbach’s alpha reliability index of 0.7 and above. The trustworthiness of the semi-structured interview guide was ensured by considering credibility transferability, dependability, confirmability, and authenticity. With the aid of Version 20 of Statistical Product for Service Solutions (SPSS), the quantitative data were analysed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation). The qualitative data were analysed using thematic approach. It was found out that the respondents perceived the clinical supervision as the most frequently used instructional supervisory practice. Cordial interpersonal relationship was perceived by the teachers as the most benefit of instructional supervision. Supervisor incompetence, supervisor work overload, and inadequate training for supervisors were identified as the top three challenges faced in the practice of instructional supervision. Among the suggestions made to improve instructional supervision in public basic schools in the Pokuase Education Circuit were training of instructional supervisors and sanctioning unprofessional conduct of instructional supervisors. Among the recommendations is that the Ga-North Municipal Education Directorate of the Ghana Education Service should organize regular in-service training for the supervisors to equip them in the use of mixed instructional supervisory types in the schools. Keywords: instructional supervision, types, benefits, challenges, measures


Faculty of Educational StudiesAug 03, 20212021/2022

Esia-Donkoh, K. (2020). Undergraduate sandwich students’ conceptualisation of leadership. International Journal of Psychology and Education, 4, 29-44. ISSN: 2665-0886

The study adopted the cross-sectional survey design to investigate how sandwich students of the Department of Basic Education, University of Education, Winneba (UEW), Ghana, conceptualise leadership. It also sought to determine differences in how the students conceptualise leadership based on their sex, age, and level/professional status. Adopting a census sampling technique, 140 students were obtained for the study. A questionnaire made up of six sub-scales of leadership emphasis (trait, ability, skill, behaviour, relationship, and influence), was used to collect quantitative data. The instrument had a reliability co-efficient of 0.78. The findings from the main study revealed that the sandwich students mostly conceptualised leadership as a skill, while relationship was the least conceptualised leadership sub-scale. Apart from a statistically significant difference in means observed for influence emphasis based on sex of the students, no statistically significant differences in means were observed for the remaining five leadership sub-scales based on the students’ age, and level/professional status. It was concluded that the sandwich students have varying opinions in understanding leadership based on their different experiences in leadership situations. The findings are valuable for the lecturers of the department in understanding how sandwich students conceptualise leadership. Thus, the use of use of scenarios, case studies, role-plays, school visits, and hands on activities during lectures will enhance the students’ understanding of contemporary leadership through promotion of values such as collaboration, teamwork, independent study, critical thinking, and empowerment. Accordingly, the findings will contribute to the body of knowledge in terms of students’ conceptualisation of the concept of leadership in the 21st century. Keywords: Conceptualising Leadership, Trait, Ability, Behaviour, Skill, Relationship, Influence


Faculty of Educational StudiesAug 03, 20212021/2022

Esia-Donkoh, K., & Quansah, D. K. (2021). Leadership styles of principals based on setting, zone, and location of public colleges of education in Ghana. Education Quarterly Reviews, 4, (2), 443-454. DOI:

This study investigated the leadership styles of principals in public Colleges of Education (CoEs) in Ghana based on the setting, zone and location of the colleges. The quantitative method of the cross-sectional survey design was adopted for the study. The census sampling technique was employed to obtain 38 principals for the study. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) by Bass and Avolio (2004) was adapted to collect data from the principals. Means, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA were utilised in analysing the data. The descriptive analysis established that genrally, principals of public CoEs in Ghana mostly used transformational leadership style as compared to transactional and laissez-faire leadership styles. The inferential analyses also revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the leadership styles of the principals based on setting, zone and location of the colleges. Among the recommendations is that the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC), formerly known as the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE), should consider competence when selecting and appointing principals and not the setting, zone and location of public CoEs because generally, these variables did not statistically significantly determine the leadership styles adopted by the principals. Key words: leadership styles, principals, setting of college, zone of college, location of college


Faculty of Educational StudiesAug 03, 20212021/2022

Danso-Wiredu, E. Y.
Dislocating Urban Studies Workshop 2 - Section presented: places “off the map”: bringing to light the hidden locations of urbanization. Organize by the Institute of Urban Research (IUR). University of Helsinki/Virtual 18th to 19th March

Paper presented:
How the Urban Poor Define Preferred Places, Accra’s Old Fadama Slum Dwellers Case

The inability of the Ghana government to provide homes for its low-income citizens have forced many urban dwellers to rent ‘cheap’ homes in poor communities or become care takers of uncompleted houses. Old Fadama, the largest squatter-slum community in Ghana is an example of a poor community which accommodate most migrants in Accra, especially those migrating from Northern Ghana. The paper explores Old Fadama as a preferred space of urban dwelling in Accra for most poor people despites its ‘slummic’ nature. It is an alternative dwelling to the normal dwelling spaces for the average urban dweller in Accra and this is evidenced in this case as not a matter of choice, but rather one of necessity. The influx of rural migrants from the North produced a housing scarcity in Accra which has yet to be adequately addressed by state actors at either urban or national levels. The poor migrants need shelter and when they found the formal housing market to be inaccessible, they had to look elsewhere. The vacant, waterlogged tract of land now known as Old Fadama is one of the places the poor immigrants can access. Deprived of even the most basic services and infrastructures, residents are not only neglected but also vilified as squatters and parasites by state authorities and media alike. Instead of sinking into complete chaos, however, the slum has gradually been transformed into a self-governing community existing and evolving in spite of formal neglect and vilification. The paper makes a contribution to knowledge in that the urban poor largely settle on their preffered places not because of amenities and good housing conditiond but to them, any place they can ‘get-by’ regardless of the environment is readily preffered by them. A key finding of the paper is how local associations directly influence access to general housing resources.








Danso-Wiredu, E. Y.
2021 American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Real Estate, Finance and Urban Development (2): The Housing Financialization/Affordability Nexus. University of North Alabama/Virtual 7th to 11th April

Paper presented:
Conceptualising the injustices in the Ghanaian Housing Rental System

Policy-makers globally are concerned about severe housing challenges experience in cities of the developing world. This paper examines the rental housing situation in Ghana and how it reflects an aspect of urban social and economic injustices. Housing shortages for the masses in Ghana is widely published in the literature. Also, widely discussed in the literature is the issue of high amount of advance payment of rents in the country. The amount demanded by landlords/ladies as advanced rent payment usually does not base on any theoretical or empirical bases and justification in relation to people’s income. Severe rental housing pressures and conflicting relations between tenants and property owners is rooted in asymmetrical perceptions regarding the rental system in Ghana. This is reflected in a World Bank report in 1999 to the effect that Ghana has the highest house-price to income ratio among selected Third-World countries it conducted a study on rent payments. The research therefore, focuses on the sources of funding for the high advanced rent payments made by tenants in Ghana and the struggles thereof tenants regularly undergo to pay their rents. The study uses examples from different tenants across the country through a survey conducted using a semi-structured interview guide sent to respondents on virtual group platforms. It uses the mixed method approach to analyze the findings and to conceptualize rental struggles in Ghana and its role in deepening social and economic injustices in Ghanaian Cities.








Daniel Tackie-Aboi and Esther Yeboah Danso-Wiredu
Regions in Recovering: The Future of Urban Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa. Virtual 2nd to 18th June, 2021

Paper presented:
Transforming Livelihoods and Land Cover Depletion in Peri-urban Ghana. A Case of Ga Central Municipality

The work of human activities and its rapid effects on the land and the environment especially in neighbouring districts around cities like Accra cannot be overlooked. The purpose of the study was to assess the transforming livelihood strategies of residents of Ablekuma, Agape and Gonse. The study also ascertained the effects of the livelihood strategies changes on the extent of land cover changes. The sustainable livelihood and human-environment system concepts were combined to study assets and livelihood strategies changes residents relied on for survival in their communities. A mixed-method approach to research using the cross-sectional and case study designs was applied in the study. Three hundred and nine respondents answered questionnaires and 40 key informants, interviewed in the communities. The main findings of the study were that the dominant land cover in the three communities had gone through changes over the years, from 1991 to 2018. The study concluded that, the shift to other economic activities other than Agriculture is predominant in the study communities. The study policy recommendation is that local assemblies should encourage residents to plant in their homes, a required minimum number of trees to improve the biodiversity of the environment.







