R&P Entries

Articles in Journals

Teixeira da Silva, J.A., Adjei, K.O.K., Owusu-Ansah, C.M., Sooryamoorthy. R., Balehegn, M. (2019). Africa’s challenges in the OA movement: risks and possibilities. Online Information review, , DOI: 10.1108/oir-04-2018-0152.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess the status of the open access (OA) movement on the African continent, and if there is any financial or moral exploitation by dominant “foreign” world powers. OA provided the African intellectual community with a tool to prove its academic prowess and an opportunity to display cultural and intellectual independence. OA publishing is prone to abuse, and some in Africa have sought to exploit the OA boom to profit from non-academic activity rather than use this tool to glorify Africa’s image and diversity on the global intellectual stage. These issues are explored in detail in the paper. Design/methodology/approach – The authors broadly assessed literature that is related to the growth and challenges associated with OA, including the rise of OA mega journals, in Africa. Findings – African OA journals and publishers have to compete with established non-African OA entities. Some are considered “predatory”, but this Jeffrey Beall-based classification may be erroneous. Publishing values that African OA publishers and journals aspire to should not equal those published by non-African publishing entities. Africa should seek solutions to the challenges on that continent via Africa-based OA platforms. The budding African OA movement is applauded, but it must be held as accountable as any other OA journal or publisher. Originality/value – African scholars need to reassess the “published in Africa” OA image.


University LibraryMar 07, 20192019/2020

Mensah, M. & Owusu-Ansah, C. M. (2018). Embedded library practices in Africa: A literature review. All Nations University Journal of Applied Thought (ANUJAT), 6, (1), 126-143. http://www.anuc.edu.gh/academics/universityjournal.

Embedded library practices are being adopted in many academic libraries to integrate librarians in the research agenda of their institutions. The purpose of this study was to explore the changing role of embedded librarians in academic libraries and how African academic libraries, particularly, in Uganda, Ghana, and Nigeria are exploiting this practice to promote their expertise. The study employs a literature review approach by analysing the extant literature on the subject. The review revealed that most embedded librarianship takes the form of a librarian taking on a dual role as teacher-librarian teaching information literacy or as a co-teacher in another subject who helps with information literacy and research writing around that subject. In some other instances, librarians are involved in online programmes to complement information literacy skills. Most significantly, the review has brought to the fore the challenge of limited literature on embedded librarianship on the African continent. However, in the selected cases in which the literature was reviewed, it was found that a number of practices are being adopted by libraries and librarians, albeit unconsciously, to integrate the library into the work of researchers in their institutions.


University LibraryFeb 26, 20192019/2020

Sam, E. F., Ojo, T. K., Siita, S., Sarpong, A., Baffour, I. K., & Abenyi, E. (2018). Determinants of public transport passengers' choice of seating positions in Ghana. Urban, Planning and Transport Research, 6, (1), 148-158. DOI: 10.1080/21650020.2018.1560231. ISSN: 2165-0020

Public bus/minibus safety concerns predispose passengers to make safety evaluations and engage in behavioural adaptations (i.e. behaviour change to compensate for changes in perceived risk) to the perceived unsafety. This cross-sectional study sought to explore Public Transport (PT) users' choice of seating positions in Ghana, a form of behavioural adaptation to PT unsafety. Data for the study came from 660 public bus/minibus users (through questionnaire administration) in three towns (Wa, Kumasi, and Mankessim) in Ghana. We established the association between the dependent (preferred seating position) and independent variables (socio-demographic characteristics, trip duration and perceived safe seats) via cross-tabulations and Pearson Chi-Square. We tested the strength of the association (effect size) among the variables using the Cramer's V. We found that the seats behind the driver, in the middle and in front were both the perceived safe seats and the preferred seating positions on a public bus/minibus in Ghana. Justifications for these were mainly informed by safety and comfort. Notably, we observed that occupational status, trip duration and perceived safe seats determine the preferred seating position on a public bus/minibus. Our study findings provide further perspectives on passengers' seating position decisions which are expected to inform future research and policy directions.


Sackey, O. M. & Wilson, K. N. (2017). Correctional Counselling Programmes in Ghanaian Prisons: A Case Study of Koforidua Prisons.. Global Educational Research Journal, , (7), 642-649. http://www.springjournals.net . ISSN: 2360-7963

The study assessed correctional counselling services provided to inmates of Koforidua Prisons. The study adopted mixed method approach. An accessible population of 523 inmates and 176 officers of the Koforidua Prisons were participated. From this population, a sample of 29 inmates (age range of 18 – 29 years) and 5 officers (age range of 51-60 years) were selected using purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire was the main instrument used to collect data from the participants. Data was analysed and presented using simple frequency count and percent table and inferential statistics. The results revealed the nature of correctional counselling in Koforidua Prisons is crisis and integrative counselling. It was revealed that correctional counselling enhances inmates’ self- image. The result further illustrate that those who hold positive perception about correctional counselling have positive attitude towards the programme. The study also revealed that office accommodation for counsellors is thwarting the operations of correctional counselling in Koforidua prisons. Finally, it revealed that perception of inmates is positively associated with attitude of inmates. Based on the findings, it was concluded that proper utilization of correctional counselling would produce in inmate’s high sense of self-worth. It was further concluded that attitude towards correctional counselling depends on the degree of inmates’ perceptions. It was recommended among other things that prison authorities should provide office accommodation for counselling personnel for proper institutionalization of correctional counselling. It was also recommended that prison authorities should sponsor staff as part of staff development process, to read advanced courses in correctional counselling. Keywords: Correctional Counselling, Ghanaian Prisons


Faculty of Educational StudiesOct 17, 20182018/2019

Agyei, P, & Wilson, K. N. (2017). Domestic Violence against Women in the Effutu Municipality in the Central Region of Ghana: Implications for Counselling. American Journal of Educational Research and Reviews, , 27-39. DOI: 10.29933.

The study investigated the prevalence of domestic violence within the Effutu Municipality, it also examined how counselling programmes can assist in addressing domestic violence within the municipality. The study employed a cross sectional survey design and collected both quantitative and qualitative data. A simple random sampling technique was used in the selection of 300 respondents for the quantitative study. Data collected was analysed using descriptive and inferential analysis. The study revealed that Christians and traditionalists differed in their views with regards to cultural and life-time perceptions about domestic violence. Additionally, educational level attained also influenced respondents’ perceptions on domestic violence against women in the Effutu Municipality. It was also revealed that though, there are institutions that offer services to reduce or forestall the incidence of domestic violence; both victims and perpetrators did not receive any counselling in any form. It is therefore recommended that Effutu municipal assembly hire professionally trained counsellors, and attach them to the various institutions that deal with issues bordering on domestic violence. Keywords: Domestic Violence, Women and Counselling


Faculty of Educational StudiesOct 17, 20182018/2019

Attom, L. E., Anovunga, A., Gyasi, F. & Wilson, K. N. (2018). Challenges confronting teachers in providing Psycho-social Support Systems for Junior High School Students in the Central Region of Ghana. Journal of Innovation in Education in Africa (JIEA), 2, 27-39. ISSN: 2508-1152



Faculty of Educational StudiesOct 17, 20182018/2019

Vordzorgbe, P. K., Assoah, S. K., Dzakadzie, Y. & Wilson, K. N. (2018). Managing Pre-Retirement Anxiety Among Teachers in the Yilo-Krobo Municipality in the Eastern Region of Ghana,. US-China Education Review B, 8, (3), 89-105. DOI: 10.17265/2161-6248/2018.03.001. http://www.davidpublisher.org .

The purpose of the study was to investigate pre-retirement anxiety among teachers in the Eastern region in Ghana. The descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. The total population for the study was made up of all the teachers due for retirement in the 2017 academic year in the Yilo-Krobo Municipality in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The estimated population for the study was 200 retirees. Simple random sampling was used in sampling 70 teachers enlisted for retirement in the Yilo-Krobo Municipality. A questionnaire was used in gathering data. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. It emerged from the study that the sources of pre-retirement anxiety are inadequate fund, managing mental health, managing a new and lower social status, inadequate planning for retirement, and difficulty in time management. The study revealed that the challenges faced by respondents are related to inadequate financial preparation, retirement contributing to faster ageing, retirement leading to early death, retirement contributing to loneliness, and contributing to friends upon retirement. The study showed that there are no retirement counselling services available in the Yilo-Krobo Municipality. The study further revealed that there was a negative correlation between social support and pre-retirement anxiety. The study therefore recommends that the Yilo-Krobo Municipal educational directorate and the Municipal Social Security Insurance Office should collaboratively work with the various counsellors in the Municipality to fully assist teachers for adequately plan financially, make arrangement for accommodations, the educational directorate, and the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) should make retirement processes less bureaucratic and costly. Counsellors should educate teachers on ageing and life after retirement to improve their level of adjustment. Keywords: pre-retirement anxiety, counselling service, challenges, social support, religiosity, teachers


Faculty of Educational StudiesOct 17, 20182018/2019

Asiedu, A. A., Assoah, S. K. & Wilson, K. N. (2018). Managing Pre-Retirement Anxiety among Teachers in Asunafo South District of the Brong Ahafo Region of Ghana.. International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research (IJSAR), 4, (2), 11-23. http://www.eajournals.org .

Retirement is an inevitable activity in the lives of workers. Unfortunately, the thought of retirement to some workers breeds anxiety, apprehension and disillusionment especially among teachers. The study sought to find out the perception of teachers on retirement, sources of pre-retirement anxiety, and the managerial strategies that would be used to support teachers nearing retirement in Asunafo South. Descriptive survey was employed for this study. The target population of the study was all teachers in Asunafo South District. Purposive sampling technique was used to solicit the views of teachers nearing retirement. 52 respondents were selected for the study, out of the 60 teachers nearing retirement. Questionnaire was used to collate data and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Respondents agreed that they feel nervous when they feel that their retirement is fast approaching. Four major sources of pre-retirement anxiety were identified. Majority of the respondents agreed that seeking retirement counselling from professionals will reduce their level of anxiety. Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Reality therapy were identified as two approach of managing pre-retirement anxiety. It was recommended that the teacher unions should regularly organise financial counselling on pre-retirement planning for their members. KEYWORDS: Teachers, Pre-retirement Anxiety


Faculty of Educational StudiesOct 17, 20182018/2019

Buer, V.B., Owusu-Ansah, C.M., & Acquah, G.K. (2016). Facebook use among students of University of Education, Winneba. Ghana Library Journal, 26, (2), 65-79.

The paper investigates how chosen samples of students of the University of Education, Winneba on all of its four campuses have been using Facebook. Questionnaire was used to elicit responses from respondents on all the four campuses of the University. The questionnaire comprising 19 questions relating to social networking was given to students in classroom to complete. The study investigates how often students use Facebook, the purposes for using the Facebook and what they actually do on Facebook. The findings indicate that students mainly used Facebook for communication, were careful in sharing of information, pictures and in making comments but privacy concerns were ignored. Conclusion is drawn and recommendations made for the use of Facebook by the students.


University LibrarySep 12, 20182018/2019

Owusu-Ansah, C.M., Rodrigues, A., Van der Walt, T. (2018). Factors influencing the use of digital libraries in distance education in Ghana. Libri, 68, (2), 125-135. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/libri-2017-0033.

The purpose of this study was to explore the extent to which individual factors such as academic tasks, preference for print sources and information skills influence distance learners’ use of digital libraries in a teacher distance education programme at the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana. The population of the study consisted of 1,834 distance students and from a sample size of 641 distance learners spread across three distance study centers, namely, Winneba (247), Kumasi (276) and Asante-Mampong (118). A total of 453 (70.67 percent) distance learners, selected randomly, completed a 31-item questionnaire. In addition, 30 distance education tutors, four coordinators and four librarians were purposively selected to participate in the study. The findings showed that academic tasks of distance learners did not require them to use digital library resources, which resulted in low or no academic use of digital libraries. The findings also pointed to a high preference for print resources among distance learners which resulted in the low use of digital library resources. Finally, it was noted that even though most of the distance learners possessed basic ICT skills, this did not result in their of use of digital library resources. To improve digital library use in distance education, it is recommended that academic librarians seek and foster collaboration in teaching information literacy and library instruction in distance education, an approach which must be backed by a policy that mandates the use of (digital) library scholarly resources in teaching and learning in distance education. It is also recommended that the Centre for Distance Education and the University Library collaborate to offer training programmes in specific digital resources and general information literacy courses for all distance education stakeholders in the university to boost digital library use.


University LibrarySep 12, 20182018/2019
