R&P Entries

Articles in Journals

Apodi, J. & Amedorme, S. K. (2018). Design and Construction of Solar Water Heater for the Hotel, Catering and Institutional Management Department of Bolgatanga Polytechnic. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 7, (2), 740 - 749. http://www.ijesrt.com/issues%20pdf%20file/Archive-2018/February-208/94.pdf. ISSN: 2277-9655

Solar water heating system consists of a collector plate to collect solar energy and an insulated storage tank to store hot water which can be used for domestic, industrial and small institutional purposes. This paper presents a systematic design and construction of solar water heater for use in the Hotel, Catering and Institutional Management (H.C.I.M) Department of the Bolgatanga Polytechnic in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The solar water heater was well constructed using locally available materials. A plain glass was used as a collector plate and an aluminium sheet metal obtained from a scrap yard painted black was used as an absorber plate. In addition, copper pipes attached to the absorber plate as fluid carrying tubes were also designed. The solar energy incident on the coated absorber plate transfers the heat to the fluid carrying pipes underneath the absorber plate placed in an insulated casing with a transparent glass cover having a cold and a hot water tank integrated in the system. The water passing through the pipes gets heated and flows into a storage tank by the principle of thermosyphon system. When tested, a maximum fluid output temperature of 80oC was observed at a maximum collector temperature of 55oC with ambient temperature of 37°C, and solar radiation 4.61 kWh/m2/day on a good sunny day. A total amount of 50 litres of hot water was harnessed which was in excess of hot water needed in the Department. This solar water heating system which is a renewable energy resource will continue to serve the heating needs of the Department and the Polytechnic at large since the area has abundant and consistent solar radiation. Keywords: Design and construction; solar water heaters; solar energy, collector plate, natural circulation


Faculty of Technical EducationMay 21, 20182018/2019

Amedorme, S. K. & Apodi, J. (2018). Numerical Analysis Of Soot Formation In Gasoline Direct And Port Fuel Injection Engines. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 7, (5), 56 - 64. http://www.ijstr.org/final-print/may2018/Numerical-Analysis-Of-Soot-Formation-In-Gasoline-Direct-And-Port-Fuel-Injection-Engines.pdf. ISSN: 2277-8616

Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) engine has the advantages of improving on pollutants in vehicle exhaust emissions significantly and tendency to reduce fuel consumption because of lean burning mixture. This engine is considered environmental friendly since it emits less toxic gases compared to the traditional carburetted or Port Fuel Injection (PFI) spark ignition engines. The modeling process of GDI engine is basically the same as PFI engine except the location of the fuel injector and also in early injection conditions, the characteristics of the two engines are similar. Although the gasoline (DI) engines are less harmful to the environment due to its high thermal efficiency and good performance in fuel consumption, it has some drawbacks of producing more nitrogen oxides (NOX) at high temperature and soot. In addition, stricter emission standards and regulations require that the two engines should constantly be investigated and optimized in order to obtain desirable results. This paper presents and compares numerical model for soot formation in GDI and PFI engines at various engine running conditions and air-fuel ratios (AFRs). The Feng Tao’s soot formation model is modified to suit gasoline engine conditions and implemented in GT-Power for GDI and PFI engines. The GT-Power code simulates the engine running conditions and evaluates the soot formed with crank angles at different engine speeds from 1000rpm to 6000rpm. The results show that for PFI engines the peak value of soot formed in mole fraction between compression and power strokes decreases as engine speed increases with the peak value of 0.0795 and 0.022 respectively at crank angle close to zero degrees for the stoichiometric air-fuel ratio(AFR) of 11.68. On the other hand, in the GDI engine, the amount of soot formed first increases in its peak values with increasing limiting engine speeds and begins to decrease for engine speeds from 4000rpm to 6000rpm. At the same engine speeds for the two engines, the results show that the peak values of soot formed for PFI is higher than the peak values of GDI engine but the total amount of soot generated in GDI engine is far more than PFI engine. Further analysis in terms of the influence of AFRs on the soot formation for the same engine speed for both PFI and GDI engines shows that increasing the AFR leads to the reduction in the amount of soot formed. Key words: Gasoline direction injection (GDI), Port Fuel Injection (PFI), soot formation, air-fuel ratio (AFR), engine speeds


Faculty of Technical EducationMay 21, 20182018/2019

Amissah, E. R. K. & Afram, A. P. (2018). A Comparative Study of Bonwire Kente and Daboya Benchibi. Latest Trends in Textile and Fashion Designing, 1, (5), 1-13. DOI: lttfd ms.id.000121. http://www.lupinepublishers.com/lttfd/pdf/LTTFD.MS.ID.000121.pdf1. ISSN: MS.ID.000121

Weaving is one of the indigenous crafts, very common in the Ghanaian tradition. This craft is very much associated with three regions in Ghana. These are Volta region in the southern sector, Ashanti region in the middle sector and Northern region in the northern sector. Prominent areas within these regions are Avetime Kpetoe in the Volta region, Bonwire in the Ashanti region and Daboya in the Northern region. Woven fabrics produced from each of these areas possess specific characteristics different from other. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the production processes involved in the manufacturing of Daboya“Benchibi” and Bonwire“Kente”. The study aimed at bringing out the similarities and differences in the Daboya“Benchibi” and Bonwire“Kente”. The study centred on the qualitative design paradigm and employed the descriptive research method. The study used observation and interview as data collection instruments to identify, describe and analyse the production process, differences and similarities in the production processes of the two weaving traditions. The purposive sampling was used to select six weavers for the study. Three each from the selected communities. The descriptive method was used to analyse the data. The study found out that designing, warping, heddling, reeding, tying-up and actual weaving constituted the production processes involved in the production of both Daboya“Benchibi” and Bonwire“Kente”. The study revealed that Daboya“Benchibi” and Bonwire“Kente” have differences in terms of style of weave, designs and materials used. The study recommends that the physical features, techniques and various skills in these traditions of weaving should be upheld to serve as a unique trademark and legacy for both communities. Keywords: Kente; Benchibi; Weaving; Master weavers; Warp; Weft


School of Creative ArtsApr 16, 20182018/2019

Amissah, E. R. K. & Lecther-Teye, S. M. (2018). Review Article Volume 2- Issue 4 - February 2018 Curr Trends Fashion Technol Textile Eng Copyright © All rights are reserved by Emmanuel RK Amissah Artistic and Cultural Significance of Ghanaian Printed Fabric Designs. Current Trends in Fashion technology & Textile Engineering, 2, (4), 1-7. DOI: ctftte.ms.id.555594. http://https://juniperpublishers.com/ctftte/pdf/CTFTTE.MS.ID.555594.pdf. ISSN: MS.ID.555594.

The main objective of the research is to examine the artistic and cultural significance of Ghanaian printed fabrics. The study specifically sought to identify the various Ghanaian printed fabrics within the Ghanaian cultural set-up, examine the artistic and cultural significance of the fabrics and appraise some aspects of the printed fabrics. The research design used was the qualitative approach based on a simple descriptive survey. The purposive sampling technique was used to select eight (8) fabric designs for the study. Interview and observation were used in collecting data. The analysis of the study was based on a pictorial view of the designs. This technique enabled the researchers to deal with the artistic study of the research. The findings of the study showed that there are many Ghanaian printed fabrics with different names that have cultural significance derived from various traditional values and beliefs. Artistically, the fabrics come in different colour-ways, providing a venue for a variety of aesthetic experience for their users. The simple and complex designs associated with these fabrics go a long way to provide the individual with numerous means of appreciating textile products. The main recommendation of the study is that, conscious efforts be made by the various centres of national cultures to have special collections of these fabrics as a means of beefing up the stock of knowledge that exists in the meanings of the fabric designs. Keywords: Artistic; Culture; Aesthetics; Fabrics; Colour-ways; Symbolism


School of Creative ArtsMar 14, 20182018/2019

Sam, E. F., Hamidu, O., & Daniels, S. (2018). SERVQUAL analysis of public bus transport services in Kumasi metropolis, Ghana: Core user perspectives. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 6, 25-31. DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.cstp.2017.12.004.

Encouraging public transport use implies the need to make it attractive to commuters through regular service quality evaluation and modification. Understanding user expectations of public transport are thus valuable, and the evaluations/perceptions are a useful way to gauge the performance of the public transport for core users. Using the SERVQUAL methodology, this study sought to analyse the core public bus transport users’ service quality expectations and perceptions, and its effect on overall satisfaction with public bus transport services in Kumasi. Surveying more than 100 public transport users, the study results are illustrated in the case of Kumasi and are discussed to guide possible bus service quality improvements in the city. Data were analysed using the paired-samples t-test and standard multiple regression techniques. The study findings revealed vast differences between public bus transport service quality expectations and perceptions and a general dissatisfaction with the bus service delivery in the city. The bus service reliability and responsiveness were key to explaining the bus service quality in the city. On the basis of the study findings and international best practices, a number of recommendations were made for the transport operators and the city officials.


Hanson, R (2017). Using activity worksheets to unearth 10th grade students' perceptions about word chemical equations. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 2, (1), 758-766. http://www.ite-c.net. ISSN: 2146-7366

An in-depth constructivist and interpretive study was carried out with 31 students from a Ghanaian High School over a period of three weeks in order to elicit their interpretations, concerns, and constructions of word equations. This was a qualitative research to generate, analyse, and interpret data from individual narratives and translate ideas belonging to a community to represent discourses of that community. Results indicated that psychological, cognitive and language issues affected students’ conception. Their capacity to reason was linked to both concept, structure and strategies for presenting analysis.


Faculty of Science EducationFeb 13, 20182018/2019

Samlafo, B.V and Ofoe, E.O (2018). Water Quality Analysis of Bobobo Stream, in Tarkwa, Ghana. World Environment, 8, (1), 15-19. DOI: 10.5923/j.env.20180801.02. http://journal.sapub.org/env.

The fitness of Bobobo stream for domestic use was evaluated with an established and vigorous water quality index (WQI), adapted for the stream under study. Nine physicochemical parameters which are life-threatening in water, were used to compute the WQI. These parameters were pH, dissolved oxygen, sulphates, nitrates, chlorides, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, total alkalinity and total hardness. The evaluated WQI was 57.13, which was within poor drinking water category. Consequently, the water needs to be treated to make it potable. Government and mining companies in the area need to improve their social interventions by always providing potable water to the people in the catchment area especially during water crisis. Keywords :Bobobo stream, Mining, Water quality index, Tarkwa, Fitness, Human health


Faculty of Science EducationFeb 13, 20182018/2019

Twumasi, A. K. & Hanson, R. (2018). Assessment of hands-on activities on students' achievement and attitude towards chemical bonding. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development, 7, (1), 114-121. DOI: 10.24940/ijird/2018/v7/i1/jan18053. http://www.ijird.com. ISSN: 2278-0211

The study assessed the efficacy of hands-on activities on students’ academic achievement and attitude in learning ionic and covalent bonds in a senior high and a technical school in Ghana. The sample size for the study was 30 and comprised of 22 males and 8 females who were purposely sampled for the study. The main instruments used to collect data were tests, interviews and questionnaire. The various hands-on activities employed included writing Lewis dot structures, drawing diagrams for ionic bonds and covalent bonds, tug of war, modelling with ball and sticks as well as calculation of electronegativity differences. Statistical analyses showed that students scored significantly higher scores (t = -6.32; p < 0.05) in the post-test than in the pretest. Also, a gain of 3.83 was obtained for the post test over the mean score of the pre–test. This confirmed that the treatment strategy significantly improved students’ performance in learning chemical bonding through the interactive hands-on activities. The study also revealed that hands-on learning increased students’ interest to read chemistry, facilitated understanding and recall of chemical concepts, made lesson more exciting and led to positive motivational outcomes. Furthermore, the activities engaged students, made them critical thinkers, and enhanced their learning skills. Key words: Academic achievement, covalent bond, Hands-on activities, ionic bond


Faculty of Science EducationFeb 01, 20182018/2019

Hanson, R. (2017). Unearthing Conceptions about Types of Chemical Bonding Through the Use of Tiered Worksheets – A Case Study. International Journal for Cross-Disciplinary Subjects in Education (IJCDSE), 8, (2), 3112-3122. http://www.infonomics-society.org. ISSN: 2042-6364

The use of tiered worksheets and interpretive procedures to find out teacher trainees’ conceptions about basic types of chemical bonds are presented in this paper. The research was carried out with 71 first year Chemistry education teacher trainees purposely sampled from two teaching universities. Their answers were analysed in order to understand their knowledge structures about chemical bonding. Results from the activity indicated that more than 88% of the chemistry education teacher trainees had some misconceptions about chemical bonding, which stemmed from their idiosyncratic interpretations about the nature of matter. The requirement for justification of answers which was embedded in the second tier unearthed these misconceptions. Some suggestions were made for other effective teaching approaches to enhance the trainees’ conceptual understanding of chemical bonds.


Faculty of Science EducationJan 11, 20182018/2019

Hanson, R., Antwi, V. & Ayim, G. (2017). The Potential of integrating ICT into the Teaching and Learning of Chemical Bonds in Senior High Schools in Ghana – A Case study. International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 3, (3), 198-210. http://www.ijsrst.com. ISSN: 2395-602X

This study was undertaken to investigate the potential of integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into the teaching and learning of chemical bonding. Chemical bonding is a topic which is abstract in nature and requires the introduction of tangible elements to enable students build mental models for conceptual understanding. Nowadays, students spend more time with technological tools and prefer to use them in performing tasks and so this was tapped upon. Thirty students of Keta Senior High School in Keta, Ghana, who were randomly selected and three chemistry teachers purposely chosen, participated in the study. It employed both qualitative and quantitative methods for collection of data through pre- and post-tests, and the administration of an opinion questionnaire to assess improvement in performance after a chemistry software was used to teach the concept of chemical bonds. The integration of ICT into the teaching and learning of chemical bonds had the potential to reduce its abstraction while allowing students the premise to apply technologies that they were familiar with. Majority of the students (about 95%) had higher marks during the post test. Keywords: Chemical Bonding, Conceptual understanding, ICT. Ghana


Faculty of Science EducationJan 11, 20182018/2019
