R&P Entries

Articles in Journals

Nyarko, K. B., Oduro-Kwarteng, S., Dwumfour-Asare, B. & Boakye, K. O. (2016). Incentives for water supply to the urban poor and the role of the regulator in Ghana. International Journal of Water, 10, (2), 267-280. DOI: 10.1504/ijw.2016.075572.

Urban water coverage in Ghana has been increasing but urban water supply to the poor is a challenge. This paper examines the incentive mechanisms in use in the urban water sector to serve the poor. The paper is based on reviews of incentive mechanisms (policy, strategies and practices), assessment of the level of implementation of pro-poor strategies and water supply situation in selected poor communities in the second largest city, Kumasi. The paper discusses the incentive mechanisms and the level of effectiveness and emphasises the role of the regulator. The study revealed that the policy framework for water service delivery to the urban poor exists but not all the intentions have been implemented. The urban utility is setting up a pro-poor unit and piloting innovative technical and management approaches for delivering services to the urban poor. The sector lacks sufficient incentive mechanisms to accelerate water service delivery to the urban poor.


Ali, C.A. & Akayuure, P. (2016). Student-Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills in Contemporary Quantitative Methods in Action Research Reporting. IOSR International Journal of Research and Method in Education (IOSR JRME), 6, (3), 34-42. DOI: 10.9790/7388-0604023442. http://www.iosrjournals.org. ISSN: ISSN: 2320-737X

The study explored the knowledge and skills of undergraduate student-teachers in utilizing contemporary quantitative techniques to present their action research reports. The study purposely sampled 165 student-teachers who pursued Bachelor of Education in Basic Education degree in the University of Education, Winneba in Ghana, and adopted an exploratory mixed design in exploring the student-teachers’ demographic information, academic qualifications, and knowledge and skills to cover many and varied characteristics of the student-teachers. Particularly, their knowledge and skills were centred on data collection instruments, data representing skills, and data analysis methods. Their views were sought on the main areas to help diagnose and improve their knowledge and skills. The findings revealed that student-teachers implored inadequate quantitative methods to support the statistical significances of their reports to confidently disseminate to influence educational policies and national discourse.


Faculty of Educational StudiesJul 07, 20172015/2016

Ali, C.A. & Wilmot, E.M. (2016). Pre-Service Teachers’ Didactic Conceptual Structures in the Absolute and Quadratic Inequalities. IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR JM), 12, (4), 62-69. DOI: 10.9790/5728-1204026269. http://www.iosrjournals.org. ISSN: ISSN: 2319-765X

This paper examined the didactic conceptual structures of preservice teachers in the absolute and quadratic inequalities to deduce mistakes and errors. Quasi-experimental and mixed exploratory sequential designs were adopted on the participants who worked in 37 groups of 10 members in the Department of Basic Education, University of Education, Winneba in Ghana. The data collection instruments consisted of 15 open-ended items on the basic ideas of the absolute and quadratic inequalities to identify the didactic content knowledge in solving the problems. The thematic analysis of the conceptual structures as well as the marked scores revealed the errors and mistakes in the inner structures, inner relations, representations, and vertical-horizontal relations preservice teachers had confronted in solving problems in absolute and quadratic inequalities. The implications of these would impact negatively on the teaching and learning of mathematics curriculum, and inappropriately applied in a variety of daily lives.


Faculty of Educational StudiesJul 07, 20172015/2016

Ali, C.A. & Agyei, D.D. (2016). Preservice teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge in utilizing the Merrill’s first principles in solving polynomials. Merit Research Journal of Education and Review, 4, (10), 133-142. http://www.meritresearchjournals.org/er/index.htm. ISSN: ISSN: 2350-2282

This study paper examined preservice teachers’ technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) in utilizing the Merrill’s First Principles to solve problems in polynomial equations in order to showcase its relevance in modern technological discourse. Quasi-experimental and mixed exploratory sequential designs were adopted on 25 preservice teachers in the Department of Basic Education, University of Education, Winneba in Ghana. The data collection instruments consisted of 12 open-ended items in the knowledge and applications of the computer in using polynomial equations. Thematic analysis as well as single-subject t-test hypothesis revealed the low base of technological pedagogical and content knowledge of preservice teachers in solving polynomial problems. There is therefore the need to vigorously champion curriculum design principles that are sacrosanct with technology integration in the teaching and learning of mathematics in basic schools.


Faculty of Educational StudiesJul 07, 20172015/2016

Amedorme,S.K. & Apodi, J. (2016). Influence of Density Ratio on Turbulence in Two Phase Flow. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology, 3, (5), 15-23. http://ijiset.com/vol3/v3s5/IJISET_V3_I5_03.pdf. ISSN: 2348 – 7968

An entirely Eulerian approach treating two phase flow as a single phase with large scale features of the flow dependent only upon density variation is carried out. The average density for the two fluids is defined in the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD commercial code STAR-CCM+ and a transport equation tracking the liquid mass fraction models the turbulent mixing of liquid. Standard k-epsilon model is used for the turbulence. The paper shows the results of average density on turbulence and presents the contour plots of flow and turbulence fields such as turbulent kinetic energy and its rate of dissipation. The variations in the density ratios in relation to turbulent parameters are also presented and the noticeable changes in the turbulent quantities are analysed. Key words: Eulerian Model, Density Ratio, Liquid Mass Fraction, Turbulent and Flow Fields


Faculty of Technical EducationJun 18, 20172015/2016

Amedorme,S.K.& Fiagbe,Y.A.K. (2016). Modification of an Existing Small Hydraulic Jack for Lifting Light Duty Vehicle. International Journal of Science and Technology, 5, (11), 552-557. http://www.journalofsciences-technology.org/archive/2016/november_vol_5_no_11/32515147395112.pdf. ISSN: 2049-7318

Hydraulic jack has been used extensively in the maintenance, servicing and repairing of motor vehicles. Although the hydraulic jack serves a wide range of purpose, it has one major problem of unexpected hydraulic failure. This has called for the use of a mechanism or an axle stand when the hydraulic jack is in use. Most often, drivers carry the jack forgetting to go along with the stand. And in the event of any repairs on the road have to use incorrect undersigned or unprescribed supports to assist the jack. This paper highlights on the modification of an existing small hydraulic jack for lifting light duty vehicle. The modified jack has been incorporated with reasonable clutch top, simple locking mechanism and sizeable base to support the weight of the vehicle in the event of any hydraulic failure. The distortion energy theory (DET) is used to predict failure and check the factor of safety. The new modification makes the jack serves multi-purpose function of lifting and acting as supporting unit. It also prevents the frustrations the drivers go through in search for undersigned lifting supports between trips when they encounter a flat tyre as well as eliminates the burden mechanics go through in fixing an axle stand. Key words: Modified Hydraulic Jack, Hydraulic Failure, Failure Prediction, Von Mises


Faculty of Technical EducationJun 18, 20172015/2016

Amedorme, S.K. & Burluka, A.A. (2017). Numerical Prediction of Sauter Mean Diameter from Pressure Swirl Atomizer Using Eulerian Model. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, 7, (3), 484-494. http://iet-journals.org/archive/2017/march_vol_7_no_3/135471474378785.pdf. ISSN: 2049-3444

Atomizers are used in many engineering applications including spray combustion in furnaces, diesel engines, gasoline direct injection engines and gas turbine engines. Pressure swirl atomizers occupy a special position amongst other atomizers because they differ in quality of atomization, simplicity of construction, reliability of operation, low clogging and low expenditure of energy. Turbulence behaviour and the mean droplet size are indispensable considerations in the sprays and atomization process of pressure swirl atomizers. This paper presents entirely Eulerian modelling of two phase flow in a pressure swirl atomizer as a single multi-component phase with high density variations using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) commercial code STAR-CD. The transport equations for the liquid surface density and liquid mass fraction are modelled for the flow and turbulent fields. Numerical results such as liquid mass fraction and liquid surface density are presented. The model also shows the results of atomization characteristics such as droplet velocity and predicts Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD) with reasonable order-of- magnitudes. Key words: Sauter Mean Diameter (SMD), Droplet Velocity, Eulerian Modelling, Liquid Mass Fraction, Liquid Surface Density


Faculty of Technical EducationJun 18, 20172015/2016

Kulevome, J. D & Amissah, E. R. K. (2017). Narrative Study of Female Kete Weavers in Agbozume. Arts and Design Studies, 52, 22-32. http://iiste.org/Journals/index.php/ADS/article/view/36312. ISSN: 2224-610X

The kete (woven fabric) industry in Agbozume has been one of the indigenous craft centres that has been in practiced from generation to generation in the Volta region of Ghana. The craft has contributed immensely to the economic and socio-cultural development of the area. Both male and female play enormous roles in the industry. Like many other indigenous crafts practiced in Ghana, the males dominate and are projected more than their female counterparts. Very little is known about the immense contributions females are making to the development of the industry, the society and Ghana at large. This research work, therefore, attempts to explore and identify female kete weavers in Agbozume and its surrounding villages. It also traces the origins of the female weavers with special reference to how they acquired the kete weaving skills, the prospects of them surviving in a male dominated industry, and the role they play in terms of marketing their products. The study is a qualitatively based, which enable the researchers to understand the socio-cultural set-up by the people. The research tools employed were: interview, observation and photography. The purposive sampling technique was employed to select fourteen (14) female master weavers for the study. (For the purpose of this paper, eight (8) are presented). Their kete weaving activities were narrated individually and was presented in a narrative form. The study unearthed, that, females do not only play supporting role to their male counterparts when it comes to kete weaving, but also practise the trade just like the males do. This presupposes that, should they be given the necessary support, it will attract more females into the industry and employment would increase to generate more income to reduce poverty in the area. Studies such as this would promote the many ways in which female Keke weavers are involved in the production and promotions of this indigenous craft. Keywords: kete, (woven fabric), female, weavers


School of Creative ArtsApr 19, 20172016/2017

Acquaah, S, Amissah, E. R. K. & deGraft-Yankson, P (2017). Dress Aesthetics of Smock in Northern Ghana: Form, Function and Context. Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology, 1, (2), 1-11. DOI: 10.15406/jteft.2017.01.00013. http://medcraveonline.com/JTEFT/JTEFT-01-00013.php.

The paper is a study of the dress aesthetics of smock in Northern Ghana; their form, function and context. The study examines the cultural aesthetics of smock in Northern traditional textiles and its role in the preservation, presentation and promotion of Northern culture and makes recommendations for its sustenance. The researchers adopted the qualitative paradigm and used descriptive and visual analytic approaches through the use of interviews and observations as its research tools. Keywords: Aesthetic; Artefacts; Cultural Symbolism; Indigenous Textiles; Regalia; Smock; North; Traditional Rulers; Yensichi; Dagomba; Bingmaa; Kpakoto; Yeble; Balmaasu; Kuyilli Gbagno; Moslem community; Nam-Kpaargu


School of Creative ArtsApr 19, 20172016/2017

Amissah, E R K (2016). Philosophical and Aesthetic Significance of Ceremonial and Anniversary Cloth Designs of Three Ghanaian Universities. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 6, (1382), 1382 - 1395. DOI: oi: 10.17265/2159-5836/2016.11.010. http://www.davidpublisher.org/Public/uploads/Contribute/58116e61a20c6.pdf. ISSN: 2159-5836 / 2159 - 5844

The study concerned itself with the philosophical and aesthetic evaluation of selected ceremonial and anniversary designed cloths of three Ghanaian universities. The study, which was qualitative in nature, specifically sought to identify, describe, examine and analyze the design patterns of ceremonial and anniversary cloths, appraise their aesthetic values and significance in relation to the ideals, and philosophies of the institutions. The sampled cloth designs were discussed and analyzed in descriptive form. The research revealed that there are several symbolic meanings attached to the corporate identities that sum up the objectives, ideals, values and philosophies of the institutions and corporate cloth design, whether for anniversary, ceremony or otherwise serves as an element of social cohesion.


School of Creative ArtsFeb 10, 20172016/2017
