R&P Entries

Articles in Journals

Hanson, R. (2016). Ghanaian teacher trainees' conceptual understanding of stoichiometry. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research, 3, (1), 1-8. http://asianonlinejournals.com/index.php/JEELR. ISSN: 2410-9991

Chemical stoichiometry is a conceptual framework that encompasses other concepts such as the mole, writing of chemical equations in word and representative form, balancing of equations and the equilibrium concept. The underlying concepts enable students to understand relationships among entities of matter and required amounts for use when necessary. Success in this area of chemistry depends mainly on a student’s understanding of the concepts of the mole. An interpretive study on trainees’ conceptual understanding of chemical stoichiometry was carried out among 78 teacher trainees in their second year of study. The study comprised a combination of quantitative and qualitative interpretation of responses provided by trainees to stoichiometric questions. The interpretation indicated that their learning of stoichiometry was basically through the use of picket fence (factor label), undefined strategies and algorithm. The trainees were found to have more persistent problems with conceptual interpretation as they were not able to fully translate word problems into mathematical equations regardless their algorithmic underpinnings. Neither did they understand fully, the law of conservation of matter. Qualitative findings were found to be consistent with quantitative outputs. Keywords: Chemical change, Conceptual understanding, Non-limiting reactant, Percent yield, Stoichiometry, Theoretical yield.


Faculty of Science EducationOct 18, 20162016/2017

Hanson, R., Bobobee, L. H., Twumasi, K. A., & Antwi, V. (2015). . Designing micro chemistry experiments for teacher trainees in a university, 3, (5), 14-20. http://www.idpublications.org. ISSN: 2056-5852

Micro chemistry experimentation has come to reduce the usual traditional experimentation through miniature activities. In addition it has reduced activity time and the cost of resources significantly and yet provided personal hands-on experiences for learners. This study presents the design of micro chemistry experimentation for some quantitative and qualitative inorganic chemistry topics for first year undergraduate teacher trainees as well as to introduce a motivating way to teach and conduct chemistry activities. It basically set out to explore the designed low-cost practical approach that could contribute to improved laboratory practice in Ghana, in view of resource, time, and space constraints in a teaching institution. Overall findings showed that the micro chemistry approach made chemistry lessons interesting, interactive, and enabled learners to acquire many learning skills by themselves. Keywords: Comboplate, wells, microchemistry kit, micro quantity, macro quantity.


Faculty of Science EducationOct 18, 20162016/2017

Alhassan, M., Sampson, G.O. & Quashie, A.K.K. (2015). Microwave Glycation of Bambara Protein-Rice Starch Composites. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 3, (5), 475 - 485. http://www.ajouronline.com/index.php/AJAFS/article/view/3019/1676. ISSN: 2321 – 1571

Glycation of food proteins has a great potential of improving the functionality of food systems which can lead to increased utilization of food as well as contribute to the elimination of food insecurity in developing countries. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the glycation potential of Bambara protein-rice starch composite using a microwave oven. The glycation of Bambara protein-rice starch composites was achieved by microwave heat treatment at varying composite ratios and microwave times. Conditions for glycation were optimized using the mixture composite design of Response Surface Methodology. The maximum glycation for the Bambara protein-rice starch composite was 8.99 (μg/10mg). The optimum conditions were found to be 0.6g protein, 0.4g rice starch and 6.0min of microwave heating time. Bambara proteins can be used in food industries especially in the formation of glycated food proteins to improve the functionalities of locally manufactured food systems with unique food functionalities. Keywords--- composite, functionality, glycation, response surface methodology


Faculty of Vocational EducationAug 20, 20162016/2017

Yellavila, S.B., Agbenorhevi, J.K., Asibuo, J.Y. & Sampson, G.O. (2015). Proximate Composition, Minerals content and Functional Properties of Five Lima Bean Accessions.. Journal of Food Security, 3, (3), 69 - 74. DOI: 10.12691/jfs-3-3-1. http://www.sciepub.com/JFS/content/3/3.

In order to combat food insecurity in Ghana and Africa as a whole, efforts are being made by the Crops Research Institute, of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana, to produce new bean varieties with improved characteristics such as high yield, disease resistance and high nutritional value. Some of the new lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) accessions collected include: Koloenu white, Koloenu brown, Nsawam black and white, Ohwam Mampong and Koloenu small black and white. The objective of the present work was to evaluate the proximate composition, minerals content and functional properties of flour from these five lima bean accessions. The proximate and functional properties were determined using standard procedures whereas minerals content by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The crude protein content was in the range of 20.69–23.08 %, crude fat, 0.59–1.14 %, crude fibre, 4.06–6.86 %, ash, 4.39–5.61%, moisture 9.19-11.83 %, carbohydrate 54.31-59.64 % and energy, 313.28-328.10 kcal/100 g. The mineral content was in the range of 2.45–172.77 mg/100g, for Iron and Phosphorus respectively. The functional properties of the flours: foaming capacity, solubility capacity, bulk density, swelling index, water absorption capacity, and emulsion capacity were in the range of 18.00-22.13%, 17.00-21.01%, 0.66 g/mL, 0.98-1.64, 0.88-1.41 g/g, and 49.63-59.99%, respectively. The results indicate that, lima beans are rich in protein and have appreciable functional properties that could be exploited in food formulations such as koose, sauces and stews. The lima bean flours could also be used to fortify conventional flours which are low in protein and fiber. Keywords: proximate composition, lima bean accessions, minerals, functional properties


Faculty of Vocational EducationAug 20, 20162016/2017

Sampson, G. O. & Assuah, P (2016). Consumer Acceptability of Ghanaian Unpolished Rice Biscuits. International Journal of Research in Agriculture and Forestry, 3, (7), 8 - 15. http://www.ijraf.org/v3-i7. ISSN: 2394-5907

Majority of the cereals produced in Ghana go to waste due to poor patronage resulting from their under-utilization. In spite of the attributes or qualities of unpolished rice, its patronage by the local Ghanaians is on the low side even though it is available on the local market. To this effect the objective of the paper was to evaluate the consumer acceptability of unpolished rice biscuits. Proximate composition and sensory characteristics of unpolished local rice and wheat flours were determined using the A.O.A.C (2012) methods and preference test respectively. Five unique products viz., B, C, D and E containing unpolished local rice at levels of 25, 50, 75, 100% composite flour and a control were formulated to assess the quality and consumer acceptability of the biscuits. The proximate composition of unpolished local rice was 11.67% moisture, 0.52% ash, 0.40% fat, 6.88%, 0.35% crude fibre and 80.18% carbohydrate. Sensory evaluation of the products developed revealed that the control sample was significantly different (P<0.05) from the others and received a rating of like extremely for all attributes tested. Unpolished rice was found to be good composite flour, replacing wheat flour of up to 75 % without compromising on the quality of the sensory attributes tested. Keywords: under-utilization, proximate, local rice, sensory


Faculty of Vocational EducationAug 20, 20162016/2017

Sampson, G. O., Tetteh, A. Y. & Oldham, J. H. (2015). Beta-glucan profile in maize genotypes: effect of isolation method.. Journal of Global Biosciences, 4, (2), 1339 – 1349. http://www.mutagens.co.in/index/jgbvol/vol.04_02.html . ISSN: 2320-1355

Cereal beta-glucan (β-glucan) is a soluble dietary fibre with important physiological functions which promotes health and well-being of consumers. While oat and barley are conventional sources, very little is known about β-glucan in maize. The wide variation in β-glucan content reported arises from differences in genotype of the cereal and the isolation method, which includes enzymic and non-enzymic techniques. The objective of this research was to evaluate seventeen tropical maize genotypes for β-glucan content using non-enzymic and enzymic methods to determine the correlation with proximate components. Among the non-enzymic methods, extractability of maize β-glucan was highest in the acid isolation followed by alkaline and lastly, hot water isolation. The enzymic method showed higher efficiency of extractability than non-enzymic methods. Gum yield from maize ranged from 191.0 to 419.0 g kg-1 representing 14.5 and 25.6 g kg-1 pure β-glucan. Significant and positive correlation was found between β-glucan and nitrogen-free extract. Acid and enzyme-based isolation methods demonstrated higher extractability for maize β-glucan. Beta-glucan and crude protein were found to be positively correlated. Among the maize genotypes evaluated, hybrid varieties demonstrated the highest β-glucan content.


Faculty of Vocational EducationAug 20, 20162016/2017

Sampson, G. O., Tetteh, A. Y. & Oldham, J. H. (2015). Rheological Behaviour of Maize β- Glucan and its Application as a Fat Replacer in Baked Goods. International Journal of Advanced Research, 3, (1), 1 - 14. http://https://www.researchgate.net/publication .

Beta-glucan is a complex soluble dietary fiber with (1→3),(1→4)-β-D linkages in a repeating unit of cellotriosyl, cellotetraosylglucose found mainly in the cell walls of cereals. Oat and barley are the commercial sources of β-glucan. Inability to grow these cereals in the tropics requires search for tropical sources. The rheological properties of β-glucan permit their use as hydrocolloids with unique functions.In the current study, rheology and functionality of maize β-glucanas a fat-replacer in pie crust were studied. Maize β-glucan dispersions were found to exhibit pseudoplastic flow behavior with flow behaviour indices ranging between 0.48 to 0.52, and consistency coefficient of 1.15 to 1.23.When maize β-glucan were used as fat replacer in pie crust formulation, at 15 and 20 % replacement produced pies having sensory attributes identical (P>0.05) to full-fat pie. Maize β-glucan revealed pseudoplastic flow behavior similar to oat and barley. Of the three isolates MaiLean OB and GH9 performance at 15 % fat replacement gave pie crusts with similar sensory attributes which were not different from full-fat products (P>0.05).


Faculty of Vocational EducationAug 19, 20162016/2017

Sam, E. F. (2015). Don't learn safety by accident: A survey of child safety restraint usage among drivers in Dansoman, Accra. Journal of Transport & Health, 2, (2), 160-165. DOI: 10.1016/j.jth.2014.08.003.. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214140514000577.

Objective: The study surveyed child safety restraints use among drivers transporting children to school in Dansoman, Accra. Method: Employing a naturalistic observational method, the following were observed:sex of the driver, vehicle model, child characteristics,child location in the vehicle, whether child was restrained and how they were restrained, whether the driver was belted and the presence of other vehicle occupants. In total 126 vehicles were observed. Results: The study revealed low child restraints use among the observed drivers; children in new vehicles were more likely to be restrained; children seated in the back seat were more likely to be unrestrained; and child occupants were more likely to be unrestrained where there were other vehicle occupants. Conclusion: The study maintained that a collaborated effort by road safety stakeholders in terms of education/awareness creation and subsequent strict enforcement of child restraints use laws were required.


Tamanja, E. M. J. (2016). Patterns in child migration in Ghana. Research on Humanities and Social Sciences, 6, (14), 125 - 136. http://www.iiste.org/journals. ISSN: ISSN (Paper)2224-5766 ISSN (Online)2225-0484 (Online)

The phenomenon of migration in Ghana is not new, however, the involvement of children and those migrating independent of their parents is a recent phenomenon. Tracing the trajectories of the journeys children make in Ghana reveals a north south pattern, similar to that of adults. Although migration of children to and within urban settlements in other regions has been observed to be significant, Accra (national capital) and Kumasi (second largest city) remain preferred destinations of child migrants. This study involves interviews with 35 migrant children from the north east to the south of Ghana, over a period of three months. It identified circular, step-wise, chain and “leapfrog” migration as patterns of child migration in Ghana. Leapfrog migration emerged as a novel type of migration, where children leaped from an origin over an intermediate to a final destination. Although this new finding is exciting, it involved a small number of children, therefore, more data is required for its validation. The study recommends recognition by local, regional and national policy and decision makers of the underpinning motivations for such journeys is crucial in order to minimise the risk associated with such journeys, while optimising the advantages of the phenomenon of child migration in Ghana.


Tamanja, E. M. J. (2016). Teacher professional development through sandwich programmes and absenteeism in basic schools in Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 7, (18), 92 - 108. http://www.iiste.org/journals. ISSN: SSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)

Continuous professional development of teachers plays a crucial role in improving learning outcomes in schools. This study investigated how teaching time is lost when teachers absent themselves to participate in sandwich programmes to upgrade themselves in the University of Education, Winneba (UEW) in Ghana. Using a survey of 475 teachers pursuing sandwich programmes in the University and interviews with pupils and gatekeepers of schools in Effutu Municipality, it emerged that indeed, participation in sandwich programmes at UEW lead to loss of 45 days of classroom instructional time in basic schools. The academic calendars for basic schools and that of the sandwich programme overlap by 9 weeks, implying teachers who enrol in the sandwich programmes lose an average of 264 hours each of classroom instructional time with their pupils in an academic year. Other effects include inability of teachers to participate in religious and social activities such as worship, weddings and funerals. The study concludes that, although sandwich is a good approach for teachers to upgrade themselves, the existing arrangement is not favourable to the teachers and their pupils as time meant for classroom interactions are spent in the University campus on sandwich programmes. Therefore, harmonising the calendar arrangements could reduce the time loss by a minimum of 3 weeks to improve teaching and learning in schools.

