R&P Entries

Articles in Journals

Adu-Boahen K, & Adu-Boahen O. A. (2015). Accessibility and enrolment of girls in Junior High Schools in the Kpone and Manhean communities of Tema Municipality. Distance Forum, 4, 69- 84.

This study was designed to determine the accessibility and enrolment levels of girls to Junior High Schools education in the Kpone and Manhean communities. The study adopted a non-experimental research design. Specifically, the study was descriptive in nature. The simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were employed to select 88 parents and 91 students respectively. However, the head teachers (3) were included to represent the three selected schools in the study. Questionnaires were used to solicit responses from students and parents whiles interview guide was used for the head teachers. Statistical Product and Service Solutions, (SPSS version 16.0) was employed to analyse the data. Frequencies, percentages and tables were used to present the data. The study revealed that the enrolment rate of boys is higher than that of girls in the district. It showed that the factors responsible for drop-out among the girls are poor academic performance, teenage pregnancy, financial problems and the traditional idea that the office of the girl child is kitchen. The study recommend that motivation and mentoring should be encouraged thus female academics should themselves be actively involved in advocating for the increased enrolment of girls and women in the education and issue of sensitisation can be taken up by the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs).


Adu-Boahen, K., Mireku, O.D., Acheampong, P. K., Mariwah, S., & Mensah A. K. (2015). Institutionalising Community Participation in Watershed Management: A Study of the Inchaban Watershed in the Western Region of Ghana. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 5, (5), http://www.ijsrp.org. ISSN: 2250-3153

Currently, the participatory watershed approach has now become necessary in any developmental activity especially with regards to natural resource management. However, in spite of the numerous advantages of this management approach, there are still major challenges that militate against its successful implementation in most developing countries. This paper explored the need, challenges, and the extent to which the participatory approach has been incorporated into the management of the Inchaban Watershed found in the Western Region of Ghana. Using two non-probability sampling methods: purposive and convenience, a total number of 41 key respondents were selected. With in-depth interviews and focus group discussions guides, information relating to the importance, challenges and the extent of community involvement was solicited from local chiefs, management and user institutions, and individual users in the Inchaban Watershed. The study revealed that the watershed management institutions could not attract the valuable initiatives of the local users in monitoring and evaluation stages because these users were coerced. It is therefore recommended that local communities should be induced to support the conservation of the watershed using public education and workshops organised by the district regulatory institution such as the Forestry Commission, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Mining Commission.


Asante, G., Hayfron-Acquah, J.B., Riverson, K. (2015). LEVERAGING VOIP ON LOCAL AREA NETWORK USING JAVA MEDIA FRAMEWORK. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS, 113, (19), 12-19. DOI: 10.5120/19933-1608. http://www.ijcaonline.com/archives/volume113/number19/19933-1608. ISSN: 973-93-80885-66-7

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is a standard for taking analogue audio signals, and turning them into digital data that can be transmitted over a network. VoIP has become an important factor in network communication. It has a lower operational cost, greater flexibility, and a variety of enhanced applications. VoIP is time – based. To ensure real-time transmission, Real-Time Transmission Protocol (RTP) is used on top of User Datagram Protocol (UDP). RTP provides end-to-end network transport functions suitable for applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio, video or simulation data, over multicast or unicast network services. Java Media Framework (JMF) is an Application Programming Interface (API) that uses RTP and therefore ideal for time-based media. Thus, the topic: leveraging VOIP on LAN using Java Media Framework. The research aims at designing a system that will allow users to communicate over a data network. That is, to be able to send text, make voice and video call, and transfer file over a network. The system uses client/server architecture. The architecture is a 3-tier: the client, the main server and the database server. The system designed could be used on Android mobile phones and computers with Windows operating system. The system designed allows users to communicate at virtually no cost. The product will also put the network of various organizations into full utilization.


Gadzo, G. S., Akoto, R. & Gatsi, J. G (2014). Post-merger analysis of the financial performance of SG-SSB. International Journal of Financial Economics, 3, (2), 80-91. http://www.rassweb.com.

The study focused on the post-merger analysis of the financial performance of SG-SSB. Data for a ten year period from 2004 to 2013 was used to analyse the financial performance. The analysis and discussion of the data point to three key findings. First, the study revealed that there is a significant difference in the financial performance of the bank’s pre acquisition and post-acquisition periods. In relation to the determinants of the post-acquisition financial performance of the bank, it was found that, the mergers and acquisition of SG-SSB has had a positive impact on the financial performance of the bank. It was also found that, macro-economic variables have an adverse relationship with the financial performance of the bank. It is therefore recommended that SG-SSB should strengthen its banking processes to enhance efficiency of operations and further improve the liquidity of the bank.


Gyensare, M.A., Otoo, E.A., Asare, J-A., & Twumasi, E. (2015). Antecedents and consequence of employee turnover intention: Empirical evidence from Ghana. Management Science Letters, 5, (8), 781-796. DOI: 10.5267/j.msl.2015.5.010. http://www.GrowingScience.com/msl.

Guided by the theory of reasoned action, this study found support for the hypothesized inverse relationship between work-related factors and employee turnover intention on the one hand, and turnover intention and perceptions of accountable absence legitimacy on the other hand. Specifically, the higher employees’ turnover intent, the lower their perceptions about the accountability of their absence behaviour and vice versa. The findings highlight the need to consider turnover intention as a salient construct that plays a dual role, first as a consequence variable to job satisfaction, affective and normative commitments, and next as an antecedent to accountable absence legitimacy in the workplace. The article concludes with a discussion on the significance of lessening employee turnover intent as a means of mitigating the perceptions of absence legitimacy in the workplace.


Mensah, E.E., Owusu - Mensah, I., Oppong, E., & Saka, O.M. (2015). Allelopathic Effect of Topsoil Extract From Tectona grandis L. Plantation on the Germination of Lycopersicum esculentum. Journal of Biology, Agriculcure and Healthcare, 5, (2), 117 - 122. http://www.iiste.org. ISSN: 2225 - 093X

Abstract The use of topsoil extracts transferred from Tectona grandis L. plantation to explore similar effects and use of the leaf, bark and root extracts on germination and growth of Lycopersicum esculentum is presented. The study was designed to determine the effect of variation of masses of topsoil extracts from teak plantation on the germination and growth response of tomato seeds planted on another soil whose physico - chemical analysis indicate that it can support plant growth. The topsoil extracts were collected in 5kg, 5.5kg, 6kg and 6.5kg packs and respectively spread on 4 mini - plots each with 3 replications and containing 50 planted tomato seeds. The control was the mini - plot without any topsoil extracts. The results showed that the topsoil extracts were able to suppress the germination of the tomato seeds and the effect increased with the mass used. There was a significantly progressive decrease in the mean tall lengths of the seedlings with mass of topsoil indicating a growth inhibition. However, the effect was not very much pronounced in the comparison of the mean values of the short lengths of the seedlings. Key words: Allelopathy, topsoil extracts, germination


Mensah, E.E., & Nyabu, I.T. (2015). A Study of the Prospective Effect of Circularly Polarized Light on the Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Solutions of Soil Nutrients. International Journal of Research in Pharmacy and Biosciences, 2, (3), 12-16. http://www.ijrpb.org. ISSN: 2394-5893

Abstract This study was conducted to investigate the effect of a circularly polarized light from an 85W incoherent source on the electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of NPK grade inorganic fertilizer. It was aimed at exploring the prospects of using the circularly polarized light to manipulate the ion availability in 0.3g/50cm3, 0.5g/50cm3, 1.0g/50cm3, 1.5g/50cm3, 2.0g/50cm3, 3.0g/50cm3 and 4.0g/50cm3 aqueous solutions of the inorganic fertilizer after 6 hours of exposure to regulate the electrical conductivities of the solutions. The results showed that the circularly polarized light significantly lowered the electrical conductivity values of all the aqueous solutions. The process was found to be exothermic as the temperatures of the exposed samples were found to be significantly higher than the unexposed. Keywords: Circularly polarized light, Electrical conductivity, Inorganic fertilizer, Ionic polarization.


Mensah, E.E., Ofori, L., & Mills, T.E. (2014). Small - Scale Surface Mining in Tarkwa - Nsuaem Municipality in Western Ghana and its Effect on Soil Physical Properties. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 4, (19), 57 - 61. http://www.iiste.org. ISSN: 2225-0948

Abstract Small - scale surface mining in Tarkwa - Nsuaem municipality in western Ghana and its effect on soil physical properties is presented in this study. The rising rate of land degradation by the small - scale surface miners in the study area has created a situation in which farmlands are becoming scarce and farmers are left with no choice than to use mined - out lands. The study set out to measure the physical properties of soil from mined - out lands to determine their suitability for use for agricultural purposes. One set of samples comprising soil from mined and unmined sites were randomly collected using a cylindrical metal core of known volume. After recording their wet weights, the samples were then oven dried at 105°C for 24 hours after which their dry weights were also recorded. The bulk density, porosity, solid space, mass wetness and void ratio were then calculated. The procedure was repeated for three other sites in the study area. The results showed that the mined soil, in its current state, was unsuitable for use by farmers for agricultural purposes because it was compacted, less porous, susceptible to erosion, dry and could barely support plant life. It was recommended that practices that maintain or increase soil organic matter which leads to high pore space and low bulk density be adopted to restore the mined - out lands to their natural state. Keywords: Bulk density, Porosity, Pore space, Mass wetness, Void ratio


Asiedu-Addo, S. K., Armah, G. & Boakye-Mensah, E. (2014). Head Teachers Supervisory Strategies in Junior High Schools in the Mfantseman West Municipality. International Journal of Educational Research and Development, 3, 25 - 33. ISSN: 0855-5443

The study was designed to investigate the supervisory roles of head teachers in public and private Junior High Schools in the Mfantseman West Municipality. Primary data were collected using self-developed questionnaire and a semi-structured interview schedule. The qualitative research paradigm was employed for the study using the descriptive survey design. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used in selecting forty-five head teachers from public schools and fifteen head teachers from private schools drawn from eight Junior High Schools. The analysis of the results revealed that both public and private head teachers need professional trainig in monitoring and supervision to discharge their duties effectively and efficiently. Again, while the public school head teachers were using directing and controlling as their supervisory strategy, private school head teachers employed stimulating and initiating strategies.


Armah, G. & Asiedu-Addo, S. K. (2014). Ghanaian Students' Knowledge of The Averages after Senior High Education. Researchjournali's Journal of Mathematics, 1, (4), 1 - 12. http://www.researchjournali.com/pdf/1022.pdf. ISSN: 2349-5375

In this study, students’ knowledge of the average supposed to have been learnt from primary to Senior High School (SHS) level on the Ghanaian educational ladder is investigated among first year mathematics education students of the University of Education, Winneba, Ghana. The simple random sampling technique was used to select 140 first year students from each of two year groups: 2012/13 and 2013/14 academic years. Data collecting instrument was questionnaire and class discussion. Simple frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the results which showed that students lack the understanding of the average: mean, median and mode, even though they find it easy to compute these statistical measures.

