Bediako, M., Kevern, J. T., & Amankwah, E. O. (2015). Effect of Curing Environment on the Strength Properties of Cement and Cement Extenders. Materials Sciences and Applications,6, (1),33 - 39.DOI: 10.4236/msa.2015.61005. .
Abstract Curing of cement based products such as concrete and mortar, is very important to achieve good strength and durable products. However the curing environment plays a pivotal role in the overall quality of cement based products in terms of strength development. ASTM C192 allows moist curing either in a fog room or under water. However, these must meet ASTM C511 which controls temperature, and specifically for water curing, the concentration of calcium ions in the curing solution. Unfortunately in many parts of the world, water curing literally means curing in tap water. This is done primarily because there is a lack of knowledge or ignorance regarding the mobility and roll of calcium hydroxide in the curing process. To illustrate the differences, in this study, straight ASTM Type I/II Portland cement and that mixed with powdered waste clay bricks as a cement extender were used to prepare two different batches of mortars. The chemical properties of the powdered waste clay brick met the ASTM C618 standard specifications for Class N pozzolans. Both mortar specimens were cured under two different environment comprising of either water and lime saturated water. Mortar specimens were tested for compressive strength at 3, 7, 14 and 28 days of either curing conditions. Test results indicated that mortar specimens cured in lime saturated water obtained higher strength than those cured in fresh water at all ages of curing. Statistical inference drawn from ANOVA testing showed that curing conditions had significant impact on strength development of the blended and unblended cement systems. The study recommends that testing of concrete and mortar samples and other research related works be performed in lime saturated water other than fresh water.
Amankwah, E. O., Bediako, M., & Kankam, C. K. (2014). Influence of calcined clay pozzolana on strength characteristics of Portland cement concrete. International Journal of Materials Science and Applications,3, (3),410 - 419.DOI: 10.11648/j.ijmsa.20140306.30. .ISSN: 2327-2635
Abstract The paper presents results of a study on concrete mixes containing two types of calcined clay pozzolanas obtained from Mankranso and Tanoso for structural application. Mankranso sample is labeled Type I whilst Tanoso also labeled as type II. Both clay samples were analysed to determine their physical and geotechnical properties whilst the chemical composition of the calcined clay samples analysed. Portland cement was replaced with 0%-25% Type I and 0-30% of Type II pozzolana to formulate binder pastes and concretes. Setting times and normal consistency test were determined on the formulated binder paste. Three grades of concrete (25N/mm2, 30N/mm2 and 40N/mm2) containing pozzolana were prepared and their workability, density, compressive strength and flexural strength investigated against the plain concrete. Concretes with clay pozzolana had delayed setting times and lower densities. They also exhibited a reduction in compressive and tensile strength development at early age (7days), with an average drop of 6 percent in compressive strength for all grades. However, the compressive and tensile strengths beyond 28 days notably exceeded the control un-blended mixes. This study recommends up to 20% clay pozzolana content of both Types I and II for concrete grades of 25N/mm2, 30N/mm2 and 40N/mm2.
Akyina, K. O. (2014). Orientation Service Needs of Newly Admitted Students of College of Agriculture Education in Mampong Ashanti of Ghana. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies,2, (10),300-304.
Abstract The study was a descriptive survey undertaken to find out the orientation service needs of newly admitted students of College of Agriculture Education, Mampong Ashanti. Four hundred (400) newly admitted students in the 2013/ 2014 academic year were sampled for the study through the use of purposive and proportional stratified random sampling techniques. A self-made questionnaire was used to collect data from the respondents and analyzed through the use of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The students expressed the need for general information like date of establishment, mission, vision, rules of conduct in the institution and academic information like programmes offered, courses offered, course lecturers, examination rules, grading system and calculation of cumulative grade point average. They also indicated need for information on students’ support services like sports and games, library services, hall facilities, counselling services, clubs and societies and vacation attachments. Career information like job prospects after school and available job vacancies were also needs expressed by them. Their most preferred modes of presentation of orientation service programmes were lectures and campus tours. It was recommended that orientation service programmes should address these expressed needs of students.
Akyina, K. O., Oduro-Okyireh, G. Osei- Owusu, B., Gongoli, M. (2014). Factors Influencing the Choice of Agriculture Science Programme by Female Senior High School Students in Mampong Municipality of Ghana.. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies,2, (9),247-251.
Abstract The study was a descriptive survey carried out to find out factors influencing choice of agriculture science programme by female students in Senior High Schools (SHSs) in Mampong Municipality of Ghana. A sample size of 169 students was selected from 302 female agriculture science students in three SHSs in Mampong Municipality. The sampling strategy adopted was proportional stratified sampling technique. A self-made questionnaire was administered on the respondents. Mean analysis, frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the data. It was found out that most female agriculture science students in SHSs in Mampong Municipality had background knowledge of agriculture prior to choosing the programme. Factors that influenced them most in their choice of the programme were interest in agriculture science, employment avenues in agriculture, high academic ability in agriculture, teachers and parents. They were less influenced by factors like parents’ involvement in agriculture, importance of agriculture, nature of occupations in agriculture and job security in agriculture. The rest were lack of female involvement in agriculture and peer influence. They had positive attitude towards the agriculture science programme. It was recommended that teachers, school counselors and parents should reinforce female students’ interest in agriculture. Again, female students should be encouraged to enroll in agriculture science programme since their perception towards the programme is good.
Jul 02, 2015
Akyina, K. O., Oduro-Okyireh, G. Osei- Owusu, B. (2014). Assessment of the Rationality of Senior High School Students’ Choices of Academic Programmes in Kwabre East District of Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice,5, (28),15-19..
Abstract The study sought to find out whether Senior High School students in Kwabre East District make rational choices of academic programmes in school. The population of the study was all students in the six Senior High Schools in Kwabre East District. However, the Form 3 students were purposively sampled for the study. Stratified random sampling technique with proportional allocation was used to sample 331 Form 3 students from the various programmes in each school for the study. A self-made questionnaire was used to gather data from the 331 respondents. A total of 320 copies of the questionnaire were obtained from the respondents. Statistical Product for Service Solutions was used to analyze the data. Frequencies and percentages were analyzed to answer all the research questions. It was found out that generally Senior High School students in Kwabre East District make rational choices of their programmes of study. This is because most of them assessed their strengths and weaknesses and sought information on their programmes before choosing them. Again, most of them chose their programmes based on their abilities or interests. However, few of them sought counselling from qualified counsellors before choosing their programmes. It was recommended that school counsellors should reinforce students’ rational programme choice behaviour by intensifying counselling in schools so that students will continue to make rational choices of programmes in school.
Jul 02, 2015
Yalley P. K., Asiedu, E. & Mpae, I. (2014). Effects of Bauxite Tailings as Partial Replacement for Sand in Sandcrete Bricks Production. Journal of Civil and Environmental Research,6, (11),23-30.
Abstract This study was carried out on sand-cement bricks with bauxite tailings, a mining by-product partially replacing the sand varying percentage levels. The bauxite tailings varied from 0% to 50% against the sand at intervals of 10%. Using bricks with dimensions: 210mm × 105mm × 75mm, a total of 120 bricks were produced and tested for their compressive strength, abrasion loss and water absorption after 28-days curing age. Results from the study showed that composite bricks with the bauxite tailings replacing up to 20% of the sand content recorded the highest compressive strength, lowest abrasion loss with the least water permeability. Even though, there was a general decline in the properties of the composite bricks with bauxite tailings replacement beyond 20%, bricks produced satisfied the minimum requirements for bricks suitable for walling. A strong correlation exited between bricks produced from the different replacement levels and the properties of the bricks studied. The bricks performed satisfactorily as masonry units where bauxite tailings content did not exceed 20%.
Jun 30, 2015
Ohemeng, E. A., Yalley, P. K., Dadzie J., & Djokoto S. D. (2014). Utilization of Waste Low Density Polyethylene in High Strengths Concrete Pavement Blocks Production. Journal of Civil and Environmental Research,6, (5),126-135.
Abstract The disposal of waste plastics is causing a great challenge in Ghana and the world as a whole as the usage of plastics is growing day by day and it takes centuries for waste plastics to decompose. Hence, there is the need to adopt effective methods to utilize these plastics. The main objective of this research was to investigate the feasibility of using waste low density polyethylene as partial replacement for sand in the production of concrete pavement blocks. In this study cement, sand, coarse aggregate, and ground plastic were used. The mix proportion was 1: 1.5: 3 (cement: sand: coarse aggregate). The plastic was used to replace the sand by volume at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, and 60%. It was observed that density, compressive strength, flexural strength, and splitting tensile strength decreased as the plastic content increased. However, the water absorption increased as the plastic content increased. Compressive strengths level ranging from 14.70N/mm2 – 47.29N/mm2 were achieved when water cement ratios of 0.30 – 0.45 were used. Although, the strengths of the pavement blocks decreased as the plastic content increased, compressive strengths of 20N/mm2, 30N/mm2, and 40N/mm2 which are satisfactory for pedestrians walk ways, light traffic and heavy traffic situations respectively could be achieved if 10% - 50% plastic contents are used. It is concluded that the modified pavement blocks would contribute to the disposal of plastics in the world.
Jun 30, 2015
Mitchual, S. J., Donkoh, M., & Bih, F. (2015). Assessment of safety practices and injuries associated with wood processing in a timber company in Ghana. Open Journal of Safety Science and Technology,5, 10-19.DOI: 10.4236/ojsst.2015.51002..
Abstract This paper reports the assessment of safety practices and injuries in a timber company in Ghana. A cross-sectional survey design was used for the study. Data were collected from 300 respondents at a sawmill in Ghana using a 5-point Likert-type scale questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analyses. The result indicates that the mean rating of the respondents on their use of personal protective equipment ranged from 1.09 to 2.51. This implies that the workers of the sawmill rarely or never wear: gloves, overall, goggles, face shield, nose and mouth mask, earplugs or helmet during wood processing. Additionally, the mean ratings of the respondents regarding safety practices, machine and maintenance ranged from 2.42 to 4.03 with three out of the eight items having mean ratings higher than the theoretical mean of 3.0. The ratings of the respondents of the saw doctoring department on their practice of safety on machine and maintenance were significantly higher than those of the other departments. The result of the study further suggests that the workers of this sawmill do rarely report of: skin irritation/dermatitis, eye irritation, lack of appetite, arm/leg amputation, neck pains, hearing loss and poor eye sight problems. However, they usually report of headaches, nausea, respiratory problems, small cuts, back pains, and hip and leg pains. The outcome of this study therefore suggests that the management of the sawmill studied needs to do more to enforce practice of safety, especially the use of personal protective equipment, to reduce hazards and injuries associated with wood processing in the firm.
Jun 30, 2015
Mitchual, S. J., Donkoh, M., & Bih, F. (). . ,,
Jun 30, 2015
Mitchual, S. J., Donkoh, M., & Bih, F. (2015). Awareness and willingness to utilize health and safety measures among workers of a timber processing firm in Ghana. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports,6, (3),178-188.DOI: 10.9734/jsrr/2015/15786.
Abstract This paper reports the assessment of safety practices and injuries in a timber company in Ghana. A cross-sectional survey design was used for the study. Data were collected from 300 respondents at a sawmill in Ghana using a 5-point Likert-type scale questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for the data analyses. The result indicates that the mean rating of the respondents on their use of personal protective equipment ranged from 1.09 to 2.51. This implies that the workers of the sawmill rarely or never wear: gloves, overall, goggles, face shield, nose and mouth mask, earplugs or helmet during wood processing. Additionally, the mean ratings of the respondents regarding safety practices, machine and maintenance, ranged from 2.42 to 4.03 with three out of the eight items having mean ratings higher than the theoretical mean of 3.0. The ratings of the respondents of the saw doctoring department on their practice of safety on machine and maintenance were significantly higher than that of the other departments. The result of the study further suggests that the workers of this sawmill do rarely report of: skin irritation/dermatitis, eye irritation, lack of appetite, arm/leg amputation, neck pains, hearing loss and poor eye sight problems. However, they usually report of headaches, nausea, respiratory problems, small cuts, back pains, and hip and leg pains. The outcome of this study therefore suggests that the management of the sawmill studied need to do more to enforce practice of safety, especially the use of personal protective equipment, to reduce hazards and injuries associated with wood processing in the firm.